Chapter 1

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It's been a long day. You and König finally returned home after a long mission so you both decided to spend the night relaxing at home in each others presence. You had just finished showering as you sat down in front of the mirror in your shared room to do your skincare routine.

I had just finished cleansing my face as I grabbed my vitamin c lotion, slathering a bit onto my hand as I attempted to rub it into my face. I struggled since my hair kept getting in the way, after constantly trying to push it out of the way I heard König walk behind me, tapping me on my shoulder.

"Schatz, do you want me to help?" he smiled as he watched me struggle, trying his best to hold back his laughter.

"Yes please!" I sighed a breath of relief. I felt his fingers slide past my neck as he gathered my hair behind me.

"I can braid it, ja?" his accent always became more apparent in the night, partially due to the sleep deprivation hitting him.

"You know how to braid..? Did you learn it from an ex-girlfriend perhaps, hm?" I attempted to play off my tone and cool and lighthearted however the pout on my face was an obvious giveaway as I heard him buckle in laughter.

"No, no! I used to braid my mutter's hair.." my eyes widened as I saw his reflection in the mirror; his smile was soft and gentle as he spoke. The mere look of him as he talked about his mother made my heart melt as I saw the love and compassion he held in his eyes.

"I can't wait to see how well you can do it then." I gave him a wide grin in the mirror, leaning over to my dresser to grab a hair tie for him with my free hand. König grabbed the hair brush beside me as he brushed my hair back, he did it in a way that didn't pull. It felt slightly therapeutic being pampered by him like this; the thought made my cheeks burn a deep shade of red as I realised how lucky I am to have him.

I felt König's finger begin to intertwine my hair, he made sure the each movement was careful in order not to tangle my hair. The way he was handling me gave me butterflies, my gaze stayed fixated on his expression as he continued to do my hair. He started humming slightly, his voice was low, deep, causing ripples of vibrations to pass through my body.

Once he had finished he held his hand out and gestured for the hair tie, he then proceeded the carefully tie my hair up, securing his work. I stood up, turned around and looked at the mirror; he styled my hair into a fishtail braid. My gaze widened in awe as I saw how beautiful and intricate his attention to detail was. The braid was uniform and neat.

"König it's beautiful, I love it!" I swished my head, watching the braid fall down lightly.

"I'm glad you do, your hair makes it look even more beautiful." he grinned as he wrapped his arms around my waist, squeezing me subtly as he brought me in to him. He hugged my back, bringing his face lower to mine as he kissed my neck. Turning my head, I brought his face closer to his and interlocked lips with him.

His touch was warm and sweet, sending shivers down my spine every time our skin met. The overwhelming feeling of love for him cradled my heart, his specific mannerisms made me love him even more; this being one of them..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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