Episode 1: Our Adventure Beings..

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"Wake up !" My mom yelled. "Its your first day of school TJ, wake up !". "Oi" I frowned and wiped my eyes, glaring at my digital clock which reads '6:29'. "TJ, wake up !" My mother yelled again. "I'm up !" I shouted, not meaning to raise my voice. "Sounds like some bodies not in a good mood" I heard my older brother, Ty. "Whatever.." I stood up and stretched. Time has passed, I rushed down stairs, adjusting my uniform. "Awe, look how cute you look in your new school uniform" My mother commented. "Y-yeah" I blushed. "Cutely ridiculous" Ty snorted, only leading me to roll my eyes. I brought extra clothes with me, for whatever, strange reason. "Hurry and eat your breakfast, your bus should be here in ten minutes. Your going to love your new school" My mother says before heading up stairs. Ty finished before me and left for school. I soon finished afterwards and heard the bus blow its horn. "Bye mom !" I yelled, rushing off to the bus. As I got on the bus I saw many unwanted faces, but the one that stood out to me the most was a girl around my age. She has black hair with blond bangs on her right side eye, which was brown(The eye). She was wearing a purple sweater like vest with red sleeves. She has blue jeans and blue sneakers. She was staring out the window, but she seem mean so I skipped the seat. As I browse the seats next I saw a boy, with lime green headphones, obviously listen listening to music. He had blond hair, black shirt with a blue jacket and blue pants, and green shoes. I started to notice that I'm really the only one who's wearing a uniform. But next to him was another boy with brown hair, and blue eyes. He's wearing a red shirt with orange sleeves. He had on brown shorts and red and white sneakers. "Names, Kevin" I heard him introduce him self to the boy besides. The boy removed his head phones. "Damian" the other boy smiled. I finally found a seat next to a boy with a blue shirt. He had some what of a low black fro, and a clean edge up on the side. He had on blue jeans shorts and blue and white sneakers. I notice he had a gold necklace on. I sat next to him, slightly nervous and dense, before he asked. "Why are you in uniform ?" He asked, looking slight puzzled. "Oh, umm .. Funny story, luckily I brought extra" I smiled nervously, as the bus skid to a stop. A girl around our age got on. She have long brown hair with spiky bangs, blue eyes, freckles. She was wearing a brown jacket over a blue T-shirt with brown slacks and white sneakers. She sat next to the girl with the blond bangs. We finally made it to our new school. "Well here we go.." I sighed softly. "Names Trey" Trey interrupts my sighing. "TJ" I responded. I notice that the two girls with bangs talking each other as everyone got of the bus. "I'm Fumiko Kurosawa" The golden bang girl smiled. "Yamori Kitsuda" Yamori smiled back. When we entered the school building we all made it to the cafeteria where schedules were being passed out. "Hmph, how professional" Fumiko frowned slightly. "At my old school we already had our schedules before school started. "Really ? Its always been like this for me" Yamori giggled. Kevin and Damiam was right behind them. "Excuse me ladies" Kevin smirked. "Uh.." Fumiko and Yamori blinked, before stepping aside. "First period, Ms. Bell." Yamori says. "Hey, me too !" Fumiko cheered. "Well if you look at that.. Looks like were together" Kevin overhead and added. "Awesome" Damian walked up to the group. Me and Trey walked to get our schedule, I changed out from my uniform into my yellow and blue shirt, blue with gold design wristbands, both arms. White shorts and blue and white sneakers. My hair was a thick and big curly, honey brown fro, with a blue headband around my forehead. I have brown eyes as well. "Ms. Bell first period" Trey frowned. "Me too" I spoke. "Cool, we should all be friends" Kevin says walking towards us. "And.. You are ?" Trey frowned, slightly annoyed. "Kevin !" Kevin introduced himself. "Fumiko" Fumiko came up. "Damian" Followed Damian. Than everyone looked back at Yamori. "Oh ... Uh ... Yamori Kitsuda" Yamori said, nervously. "Trey.." Trey smirked. "TJ" I say looking at the group of kids. "Well guys, shall we get to class" Kevin say leading the group. "Some group we are" Fumiko says to Yamori and Damian. At the time I totally agreed with her but later we soon find out that our group is actually more that. School was practically
over and we all met up outside the computer lab. "How was you guys first day of school ?" Kevin ask. "It was okay .. Could have been better" Fumiko shrugged. "Exception" I nodded. "It was okay.." Trey shrugged. "I thought it was awesome" Damian smiled. "I had Yamori I'm every class. Fumiko, Trey and I looked at each other and snorted. "Charmed." Yamori says, not detecting his obvious crush. All of a sudden we heard a beeping noise. "What's was that ?" Kevin asked. "Its seems as if it's coming from the computer lab" Fumiko shrugged. "Let's check it out" Kevin urged. "Ehh.. Its probably someone playing a game on it or something and besides it's getting late" Trey shrugged. "Yeah" Fumiko says, uninterested. I was quite curious, that wasn't your everyday beeping noise. "Well.. It wouldn't hurt to look" Yamori looked up slightly, before meeting eyes with the group. "If its okay with you guys of course" She jumped. "Yeah I'm interested too" I added, backing her up. "If Yamori seems interested than so am I" Damian frowned. "Whatever Romeo" Fumiko sighed. "I guessed it wouldn't hurt to look" she smirked. The beeping came again but louder. "Okay that's it !" Kevin turned and charged for the room, we followed in pursuit. "See nothings here.." Trey pointed out. "Well .. Than where's the noise coming from ?" Yamori frowned. I was wonder the same thing before a computer flashed and seven devices shot out and landed in our hands. It seemed almost naturally that we caught it. "What are these" Trey asked. "I bet its a game system" Kevin said excitedly. "I doubt it.." Yamori says. "Maybe .. I don't know.." She finished. "There sorta cool. Fumiko and Damian says. Aside from the others feeling towards the weird devices I felt a since of nostalgia, and some weird feeling as if I seen this before. The one I had was a blue and gold one. I notice Yamori had a brown and orange one. Kevin had an red and white one. Trey had a Blue and white one. Fumiko had a yellow and white one and lastly Damian had a lime green and white one. All of a sudden our devices beeped and glowed. "Huh.." We all say, feeling numerous of emotions ranging from excited to nervous. "What's happening ?" Kevin asked as the computer screen glowed brighter pulling us in. "Ahhhhhhhh !"  We all screamed, before we were complete pulled in. I looked around and notice weird strange digital shapes, as if you were being downloaded. Now that I think about it, I think we are. And the funny think is we were falling, so technically we are being downloaded, you get it ? No ? Hehe.. Moving along. As we fell there was a huge white flash, as if a nuclear bomb hit. I finally opened my eyes and looked around at the circumstantial weird yet beautiful tropical tree's ranging from different shades of green and the vivid variety of fruits ,which I can easily presume, grew from it. "Where am I ?" I blinked, finally coming to my senses. "Your in the digital world." I heard a squeaky yet somewhat adorable voice. "Huh ?" I jumped before feeling a small amount of pressure on my hair, but as I jump a small orange creature with bat wings for ears, blue eyes and small stubby tail. Fell from my head onto the ground. "Ouch.. What was that for" The creature spoke. "Oh sorry about that" I say worried, shocked that I wasn't the slightest scared, probably because the creature seem harmless rather adorable and fun. "Here let me help you, I'm TJ" I introduce as I picked him up. "I know" The creature says I'm a cheery voice, hoping my arms to head, messing up my hair. "I'm bet you don't about me I'm Patamon !" He smiled and giggled. "Uh .. Hello.. there" I blinked numerous of time, trying to register everything he said. From a good distance, Kevin was in a tree above  a red, with black marking, dinosaur like creature. "Ahh ! He's gonna eat me ! Help !!!!!!!!! Its a dinosaur, shouldn't you be extinct ?" Kevin screamed. "No I'm not.. I'm Guilmon !" The dinosaur, introduced, scratching his head. Trey heard the commotion and walking over. "Oh its just Kevin" He sighed, at the sight of him panicking. "Looks like Guilmon with him too" a blue creature with a 'V' on his head says. "Hey, Trey HELP" Kevin yelled before seeing the blue creature. "Watch out its another one behind you !". "Get down from there" Trey walked over. "And this 'one' have a name .. Its Veemon !" Veemon frowned with his fist clenched in the air. "Don't worry I won't hurt you" Guilmon says reassuringly. "Oh.. Hehe.. I knew that" Kevin says sliding down, with a nervous laugh. "Guilmon was it ? I'm Kevin" Kevin smiled with his arm out, offering a hand shake. "I know" Guilmon says smelling his hand. "Your hand smells funny". Trey chuckled. " I thinks he wants to shake your hand". "Yeah like this !" Veemon took Trey hands and shook it. "OH" Guilmon says , amazed. "Hey.. Let's find the others and sort this thing out" Trey suggested. "Wait there's more of you ?" Veemon jumped. "Hey ! I smell a Calpysomon and Oppossumon and others with that weird scent like you Kevin." Guilmon took off at full speed. "Hey, wait up" The others yelled, following him. Yamori and Damian was with a small brown and orange bunny like creature with two horns and springs down her ears(Similar to Terriermon or Lopmon for those whose lost). The other creature is a mouse or cat creature with funny hat and gloves, and hangs from numerous balloons with weird, sinister faces on them.... How "adorable".. "You know, most people would be creeped out or scared about you guys, but for some reason I'm not .. I'm actually like you guys" Yamori says, beaming at Calpysomon. "I do to Yamori, but I think its for different reason." Calpysomon spoke. "Huh" Yamori blinked. "Yeah, you guys are pretty cool" Damiam says joyfully. "Hehe" Oppossumon giggled. "Found them !" Guilmon says rushing towards the four. "Ahh !" They all jumped. "Guilmon" Calpysomon and Oppossumon stood in front of their new friends. "Hey, look its Yamori and Damian" Kevin says jogging towards em, followed by Veemon and Trey. "Sup" Trey says. "Hey" Yamori and Damian say in a unison. "Looks like you have one as well." Trey says looking at their respective partners. "Yeah, she's Calpysomon, cute right ?" Yamori introduce. "Hi there" Calpysomon bows, holding her ears. "And here's Oppossumon" Damian looked at his partner and smiled. "Hi" Oppossumon waved. "Well you met Guilmon" Kevin says plainly. "I'm Veemon, nice to meet ya, I'll knock anyone out with my "V-Headbutt" who harms Trey." Veemon says jumping from person to digimon, shaking their hands. "He's an energetic one" Yamori laughed. "Anyways, now we need to find Fumiko and TJ, and I'm betting they have one to." Kevin says. "Let's find them" Trey nodded. "Mhm !" Yamori and Damian nodded. "I smell others.. Follow me !" Guilmon ran off. "Here we off again" Veemon followed, and so did the others. "Fumiko... Fumiko !" A white and green (In certain places) bunny, with a horn and long ears shouted. "When will she wake up ?" He asked, frowning. Beforehand me and Patamon found them. "Maybe next week" Patamon shrugged. "Patamon" I sighed. "Come Fumiko wake up" I shook her, than she finally woke up. "Huh.." Fumiko says raising up slightly fast. "Where are we ? Who are you ? What are you ?" Fumiko asked the two creatures. "I'm Terriermon" The bunny hopped on her head, slightly messing up her bang. "Hi there" Fumiko looked at for answers, but I shrugged. "And to answer your other question, your in the digital world" Terriermon smiled. "The digital world ? Where is that and what is that or this or whatever it is?" Fumiko asked. "Where you are now silly" Terriermon laughed. "That's cryptic" I frowned. "You humans are weird" Patamon says plainly. "We should get going .. And try to find the others" I suggested standing up. "Right" Fumiko agreed. "Adventure !" Terriermon and Patamon yelled. Fumiko and I both smiled at out our digimon. As we walked I notice a weird long thing, looking like a tree root. Fumiko steps on not paying attention, and than it moved with a great force causing her to fall. "Fumiko !" We yelled, before we heard a loud roar. A huge dinosaur with two horns points and curving straight, and green body appeared. "AHHHH" we yelled. "Oh no, its Tuskmon, and man do he look mad ! Champion level and if we don't get the heck outta here he'll use his Slamming Tusk and Horn Driver on us" Terriermon introduced. "Now on that note.." Terriermon says calmly. "RUN !" He shouts, than we ran. "He's on our tail" Patamon shouted. "Horn Driver" Tuskmon attacks, sending a laser from his horn, in which landed in front us making us fall. "Ouch" Fumiko grunted. "Are you okay" Terriermon asked her. "Grawwwr" Tuskmon roared, stepping a step closer. "This isn't good" I cringed, ready to accept my unfortunate fate. Patamon and Terriermon jumped in front of us in a defensive stance. "Bunny Blast !" Terriermon attacked, spitting out a green blast. "Boom Bubble !" Patamon shot out a air blast, but both attacks did little damage. "Grawwwr" Tuskmon roared out of anger. "Uh Oh"  Terriermon and Patamon says in an unison. "Horn Driver" The attack blasted the two rookies into a watermelon (0_0) behind us. "Patamon" "Terriermon" we both say simultaneously. "Grr" Tuskmon growled, nearly inches from us. "Horn Driver"  Tuskmon roars forming the laser blasts from the tips of his horns. "This is the end" Fumiko gasp.

And she's maybe right. Will Tuskmon succeed in destroying us ? Will or can anyone save us ? Will Something Miraculous Happen ? We won't find out in till next on Digimon Digital Monsters

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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