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"Where exactly is Mr.Murata's class?".Muichiro asked..."Don't worry because I have to pass it before going to History class..".Kanao smiled once more..

Muichiro sighed in relief , thank God he wasn't alone on a day like this...

"Ohh!! , there's Tanjiro!!".Kanao smiled as she grabbed Muichiro's wrist and ran over to the red headed male that is currently with his friend group..


"Could the both of you knock it off?!!!!".Nezuko tighten her fist as she stared angrily at Inosuke and Zenitsu who were just pushing each other..."NOOOO , WAYYY!! ,HE STARTED IT NEZUKO-CHAN!!".Zenitsu yelled as Inosuke tried to tackle him to the floor.."HAHA!! , I'M THE KING OF THE MOUNTAINS AND I CAN FIGHT WHO EVER I WANT!!".Inosuke yelled as he started randomly hitting Zenitsu with his fist , but in a playful way...

"OWWW!! , WOULD YOU CUT IT OUTTT!!".He squealed as he ran to Tanjiro who was scrolling through his phone..."TANJIROOO!! , TELL HIM TO STOP HITTING ME!!".He bawled as Nezuko rolled her eyes in embarrassment.

'Ughh! , Oh my god! , can these two get anymore embarrassing , like literally people are walking by and staring at us like we are some freaks!!'.Nezuko sighed as she stared at everyone who walked by and was staring at the total drama happening before their eyes..Well the one's who were used to all that drama didn't mind it , but others were giggling or either whispering to their friends who was totally minding their business and didn't care..

But their was one who stand out...


"Ohh , what do we have here? , Nezuko?".Ume walked over to the four as Nezuko rolled her eyes in annoyance..."Don't you have something better to do than annoying me? , Hmm?".Nezuko scowled as she placed both hands on her hips.."Ouch , that hurt!".Ume placed an hand on her chest while faking a sad face as she looked away..

Just then Kanao ran over with Muichiro who's mind was definitely not in this world..

"OH! , hello Tanjiro , Umeee..".Kanao happily greeted until she reached Ume's name and she wore a very disgusted look as she stared at her(Ume)..

"Has I said before , don't you have something better to do?".Nezuko repeated once more , as Ume turned her attention to an annoyed Nezuko.."Actually , I was just leaving"...."Please do! , we don't need fake friends over here".Nezuko rolled her eyes has she turned her back to her enemy..Ume hissed her teeth then walked away..

Tanjiro who was distracted with the two finally managed to break them up and get them to agree on both terms.., then watched as Ume was walking way..

"What was that about?".He asked while coming abit closer to Nezuko.."Just an intruder and anyways , I didn't see you there Kanao , Muichiro!".She smiled returning to her normal happy self in an blink of an eye.."Ha , funny , we haven't been here for a long time though , I'll say about...mhmmmm..28 seconds..".Kanao looked at her watch then looked back up at Nezuko..

"Yeah right , miss know it all!! , And , sorry you had to hear all of that Muichiro! , it's just that , that brat always finds a way to get under my skin!! , she's so annoying!". .Nezuko gritted her teeth while clenching her fist...Muichiro on the other hand was gone! , his mind was somewhere else..

"Muichiro?...,Muichiro?!!".Kanao called him , but no answer..

"Is he dead?".Inosuke asked while scratching his pig mask.."Of course not dummy!! , how'd you think he'd be standing right now!!? , And look his chest is raising up and down!!".Zenitsu pointed out..

"MUICHIRO!!".Nezuko yelled , as the others covered their ears...Still no answer..

Then Zenitsu got an idea , he came a bit closer to Muichiro and gave him a light smack on the face..

Muichiro then started to blink then widen his eyes as he looked around him...

"Sorry , but I had to do that!!".Zenitsu spoke as he crossed his arms..


"Who what?".Inosuke interrupted..

"Who are you all?".He asked as he scratched the back of his head trying to remember at least how he got here...

"Well um we're your friends Muichiro!".Nezuko placed a hand on her chest while staring into his eyes looking offended.."Oh , what are all your names?".he asked.."Well I'm Nezuko , the girl that's holding your wrist is Kanao , the boy with red hair is Tanjiro , A.K.A my brother...The boy with the pig mask is Inosuke and finally the blonde hair boy is Zenitsu".She tried to catch her breath as she finished her long statement..

"Oh , ok , and why are you holding my wrist?".he turned to Kanao and asked.."ohh , sorry".she looked away , blushing in embarrassment..

"Anyways , we should head to class now , byee y'all!".Nezuko grabbed Tanjiro's wrist and ran off to their next class.."WAI- , Tanji-!".Kanao was cutted off as Nezuko pulled her brother away , with Zenitsu and Inosuke following behind..She sulked as she turned her head to stare at Muichiro..

"We should get going too you know!".She hummed as she took Muichiro by the wrist and lead him to his class...


"OK! , here we are!!".Kanao sighed as she slightly pushed the door revealing some of the children chatting themselves away , and her eyes fell on one of them..


She sulked feeling a bit sad that she didn't have the same class as him , "Go on Muichiro I'll see you at lunch!!".Kanao smiled as she waved at the short light headed kid , who waved back..

He turned his attention to the door , then entered the class..

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