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(Will also continue updating my other story)


Welcome to my new story <3

I hope you guys will enjoy it!

Just a quick heads-up:

The female main character is presented as shy, innocent, and naive due to her being isolated her entire life.

The male main character is presented as sarcastic, controlling, and an alcoholic. He'll struggle with his addiction during the story. He is also older than her. - Age gap (legal)

I can understand that some people aren't fans of these kinds of stories or characters, so if you are one of them, I'm sorry. This story isn't for you.


This story also isn't for you if any of the following could trigger you - Trigger Warnings :

- Weapons

- Violence

- Alcoholism

- Mentions physical and emotional abuse

- Mentions ptsd / the military

- Mature language

- NSFW / Sexual scenes

- Age gap : she's 21 - he's 32

(You can decide for yourself if you're comfortable with that, yes or no!)

* If any of these trigger you - I'm so sorry - I hope you're okay and getting the help you deserve!

- I'm still new to writing, so please be patient! This is my second book, and I'm learning as I write.

- I'm afraid I simply write as I go, whenever I get inspired with ideas, so I can't give you guys an estimated date of when this will be finished or when chapters will come out.

- English is not my first language, I have never been in the military, and I am not an alcoholic, so I do not know exactly what it's like. Only through research. If I have made any mistakes or errors, please correct me! I'll make sure to change them once I've finished the book.

* These scenarios are fake and made up, not based on real-life stories.

* Pictures used - Are not mine - Found online.
Book covers original picture, not mine. I've edited things into it.

* This is my own work; please do not copy.

* Please do share your thoughts, good and bad; I love reading them!


If you've made it this far - I love you too :)

Go ahead and scroll



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