- New beginnings -

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Entering a world that never knew she existed.


His point of view

She had been simply gazing out the window the rest of the drive.

''We're here'' I informed her after finally finding an empty spot in the crowded parking lot.

Glancing back, I see her in awe, marveling at the size of the building and it's surrounding nature.

"It's so much bigger and even more impressive in person compared to the photos online..." she whispers impressed, her small hands eagerly waiting at the bottom of the window to exit the car.

Not the first time I hear that one.

As I unbuckle my seatbelt, I hear her softly mumbling, "We can do this." encouraging herself.

"Why is it not-" her hands struggle to take hers off.

"Hold on."

I get out the car and walk over to her side.

Opening her door. I reach over her to unbuckle her seatbelt.

"Oh... Thank you..."

"No problem."

She climbs out of the car while I grab her backpack. Holding it with two fingers hooked through the loop at the top of the bag.

As the school gates loom ahead, getting closer with each step, I could sense her anxiety building up.

Looking at her next to me, she stays close. "We can do this...we can't do this...w-we can..." she mutters to herself as she wipes her hands on her pants.

Nervous sweats?

Her first time outside will be in a big school with lots of people so she's probably nervous or maybe even scared. Which is understandable and almost expected.

Gotta keep an eye on her.

She stops walking to take a deep breath. "Everything okay?" I ask, concerned.

"I-I'll be f-fine..." she stutters before forcing herself forward, but I can tell she's not feeling well. Her eyes giving me the same look as when we first met.

"Hey. Wait." Gently, I grab her wrist to stop her movement.

Squatting down to her level, I place her backpack on the floor.

Her eyes now closed as she takes deep breaths in, trying to calm herself down.

''No, w-we have to go...'' she whispers, knowing her class already started, but I need her to calm down first before it turns into a panic attack.

I know exactly what they're like cause I used to get them all the time right after I got back from my tour.

"Hey, Eva, look at me." I gently say, trying to catch her attention. I study her face, noticing that her cheeks seem to have lost it's colour.


Her eyes open as slowly as a newborn baby.

"Look at me."

Her beautiful brown eyes finally meet mine.

"Hey there..." I fix her jacket. "There's no rush. Do you need a minute?"

"N-No sir..." She shakes her head. Immediately looking back down to fiddle with her hands. Twisting the small gold ring around her middle finger.

Such a sweet and well mannered girl...

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