chapter 8

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I didn't do anything to Elizabeth for the next five days. Nothing mean at least.

Believe it or not, I actually considered what she had said. It made sense, but we needed to get over this.

That, or this trauma would linger over us until the day we died, causing our every move.

We had already lost two relatives, we coulsn't afford to loose ourselves because of that. 

On the sixth day, I waited outside her room in the old mask.

I personally couldn't wear the new one. As much as I prefered to leave everything Micheal owned alone, the mask didn't seem to belong to him in my eyes, yet it still had a comforting presence, as if it was a hand me down.

Elizabeth finished whatever she was doing, and begun to play with her toys. I could guarantee that she thought I was doing the same.

I flung the door open and started screaming weirdly. Her look faded from horror and into anger as she realised this was mw going through with my daft plan.

"Why Evan?" She shouted back. "You said you wouldn't do it anymore."

I took off the mask.

"I'm sorry I lied, okay, But seriously Lizzy, we need to get over this." I explained.

"Well maybe feeling things instead of taking them out on other people would help," she rebuted, making her seem older than she actually was.

"Well you can handle what you do how you do, but it's not goiing to change how I handle what I do," I said exiting the room and slamming the door behind me.

I can't, and won't, deny that I went straight to my room and starting crying. Not a full on sob and breakdown type of cry but a regretful one that happens when someone gets mad at you.

After that, the next couple of weeks are a bunch of blured moments of bullying Elizabeth and being apologetic afterwards, as well as struggling through the days, even after Summer break started.

The build up to my birthday began creeping up on me and before I knew it, I was discussing where I would want to have it.

Father was there. Birthday's were the one time a year he gave half a fuck about us.

I always kinda assumed that, deep down, he was only doing it for the money he could gain of kids buying loads of pizza and playing the arcade games to the point were their hands are sore.

Every year, it was a birthday at one of the Freddy installments. Easy to say, my options were most definitely limited.

It was either Freddy's or Fredbear's every year. Every other option was swept of the table as some form of unspoken rule we had about parties.

This year, I had chosen Fredbear's.

I think it was because it only had two robots, that could easily be used as suits for the workers. Nothing to worry about.

Especially now. The nightmares had began getting worse for me. I often found myself restless with the thought of what happened to Micheal happening to me.

Obviously, I was trying not to let anyone know that and it was working, for the most part. Elizabeth had been the only one who cared enough to notice any of the random and sudden drops in my behaviour and motivation throughout the days. I always denied it though. My scaring tatics ahd also been helping her believe that.

Father left the room with a quick, "alright I'll arrange it," and a sip of his tea. And that was immediately that. I was going to Fredbear's for my 10th birthday.

What a fucking mistake.

Obviously, I didn't know what was going to happen at that time, but when I had the sudden idea that I could possibly get Elizabeth close to an animatronic, and show that it wouldn't hurt anyone, I felt like a fucking genius.

There was no way two randomly chosen animatronics could be broken twice! That's what I had thought to myself that night before I went asleep.

It was the first time in ages I had went to sleep before the early hours of the morning.

I had always had trouble sleeping. Everyone knew that.

But when I woke up randomly slightly before midnight, it had felt odd.

I couldn't comprehend why, so I slipt of my room and headed down the hallway to the bathroom.

By the time I had gotten back, it was exactly midnight. I had gotten ready to sneak back into bed when I had heard a noise.

Rabidly, I grabbed the flashlight from my desk and with all the emergy remaining, I used it to shine a small life on my closet.

I lifted my body up and headed over to it, a wave of paranoia hitting me like a brick. What was happening?

I opened the closet, and when I did I had nearly screamed.

There was a fox. More specifically, a version of Foxy. It was clearly made to be haunting a kids nightmare or something because it looked horrific.

I noticed some minor details about the red animal. It was broken and had a gap between it's stomach.

I remember thinking that this just couldn't be happening and trying to go back over to my bed to sleep again, before seeing one little freddy bear sitting on my bed, the same nightmarish look as the fox.

One thing I noticed, was that the animals - or whatever they were - didn't like when I shined the light on them for whatever reason.

It felt like only hours later that they finally disappeared for good.

I thought that this must've just been a dream and this was just the part were I would wake up and realise it was all just a dream and drag myself through the day.

Instead, I did the conplete opposite.

As soon as my head hit my pillow and knew it was safe and no tiny Freddy demons were going to bite me, I passed out.

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