chapter 10

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After my interaction with Elizabeth, I just snuck into bed.

Sadly, me having a bad day wasn't enough for the robotic nightmares, and I still stayed awake all night because of them.

When I finally woke up at midday, I wished that I could just stay in my room all day. I didn't want to face reality, specifically father.

I went down and made myself some toast. Cooking was a skill I had forced myself to learn after the incident, but I wasn't naturally good at it, so my meals were usual basic or cooked wrong.

There was a note on the dining table stating that it was a day we were stuck at home, whether that was for better or for worse.

I tried to make the most of it, but something hit me that day. It was a waste of time to be afraid.

So, I scrapped all my plans about slowly dragging Elizabeth and I back into the animatronic loving people we used to be and go all for it.

In three days, at the party, I was going to make her touch the animatronic. But how?

I lingered on the question for a few moments on my way upstairs. Elizabeth was playing with her dolls - regular dolls, she never played with Fredbear and Friend's merchandise anymore.

Maybe I could take one of her dolls?


I was kind of stuck on the dolls idea at the time, so I decided to go in her room and scare her with Micheal's old mask again.

The plan didn't really develop past there.

There were two issues with it. One of which was Elizabeth wasn't really bothered about anything more than she was about anything else.

Her new toys and teddies only got me the same, "Put it down Evan!" as the others.

If I wanted this plan to work, I would've needed another form of Circus Baby. Something she desperately wanted. But there wasn't any.

My other issue stemmed from the one before it. She could easily just ask an adult at the party to get it for her. Hell, she could ask my so called friends to get it if I didn't put it too out of reach.

Ultimately, I was torn between doing the plan or not after that. As the day went on nothing new or developing came into my head.

By the time it became evening, I had entirely given up on the plan.

Then father came in and I was back out the window. I couldn't dare face him after yesterday. We didn't have a loving enough relationship for me to feel comfortable doing that.

I just walked. Again. Walked until I reached the local station right next to Fredbear's.

It was closed, doors obviously locked and everything, but I still walked up to it.

Usually, I only ever saw it closed when it was father's turn to lock up when we were with him. I never looked though. Not because I didn't care but because it was never anything I should look at.

But seeing it, all shut up and desserted (even if it had only been an hour), felt strange.

It felt good though. Like all the monsters haunting me on the inside were locked up.

Part of me wished it could stay like that forever. Shut up. Abonded.

Although, I knew deep down that Fredbear's didn't have anything to do with what happened to Micheal. It all could've been a freak accident.

We never truely got an explanation about what happened that fateful day. I never fully wanted to know, incase it was intential.

Thanks to that, sometimes I found myself drifting off, daydreaming about the events that caused his death.

If it was an accident, what series of small and overlooked events took place to cause everything to happen.

And, if it wasn't an accident, I only had one thought. Why?

By the time I realised I was spiralling into some dark conspiracies, I was already walking away from the building.

I was walking mindlessly. Ever since the incident, every thought - or at least the majority - lead back to Micheal's death.

I didn't want to forget him, but I wanted to forget he was dead. At the time, I would of gave so much to forget it ever happened; to pretend he just moved away to college or another country and we barely visited him. Any other situation would've been better than this.

A train went past. I had managed to drag myself to inside the station.

Part of me wanted to just get on the next train and never look back. But I had Elizabeth and she was all I had left. Even if I mever acted like it, she was the one thing in the world that I still cared about.

Also, I didn't have any money. There's no point getting on a train to anywhere if you can't afford it and are just going to get kicked off and charged even more.

However, whilest I was here, my plan resurfaced.

I saw a woman pick up an infant child for some reason.

Despite how weak I was, I knew I could lift Elizabeth up for a couple seconds.

That was all I needed.

I stayed at the station for another hour or two, constantly changing were I was standing so nobody could point out how long I had been there.

Nothing to notable happened, and by the time the amount of people there lowered and more and more drunks begun to appear, I walked back.

Sneaking back through the window and avoiding father was easy.

Sneaking into my room without interacting with Elizabeth was not.

"Evan?" Her voice was trembling and I couldn't figure out why.

"Yeah?" I asked, growing paranoid.

The dimm light in the hallway only showed me so much of her face, but it was enough to make oht that she was scared.

"Do you think w-what happened to Mikey c-could happen to us?" She stuttered. "Because I feel like that's constantly happening in my dreams."

"Lizzy.." I felt guilty that I didn't have the words to comfort her. "Nothing like that is going to happen to you, I promise. Especially not in your dreams."

"Thanks Evan," she replied before walking off.

I was shocked she didn't pick up on the fact I was lying. I was scared of that exact thing every night.

Elizabeth didn't need to know that though.

As soon as I opened the door to my room, I sat on my bed and changed the batteries of my torch.

11:59 pm.

Time to do all this monster robot shit again.

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