Chapter 6 / Lily's POV

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I wake up in a dark room, I panic for a moment.. Where am I? Take a deep breath... What's the last thing I can remember? i went to the club with Zoe and Brian.. nothing after that... just black... shit...

I look around.. as well as possible in a dark room. I don't see my phone anywhere either... I get up slowly and eventually find a light switch..

When the light comes on I feel like my head will explode. After a few seconds I look around the room, there is a note on the bedside table.

Hey my dear,

I put headache pills and a smoothie in my kitchen for you.

I'm jogging but hope I'll be back before you wake up.


I'm relieved.. i'm with George... wait a minute George Russel? How did I came to George...

Before my head bursts, I leave the room that appears to be the bedroom. I walk through a small hallway and see a large room, it seems to be a living room and a kitchen.

I see the painkillers and a bottle of water on the kitchen counter. I sit on the couch and wait for the painkiller to do its job. I'm trying to sort everything out again.. I was partying with Brian, now I'm in bed by George. for the first time i look at myself no visible injuries .. but what kind of clothes i'm wearing ..Oh my god did George and I...? I also don't understand why I'm having such a blackout.. I hardly drank alcohol... it just doesn't make sense.

At that moment I hear a door and a few seconds later a sweaty George comes into the living room.

"Good Morning, how are you?" He's already looking at me worried.

I'm just ashamed.. "um Yeah... it's okay I'd say the painkillers definitely help, thanks George"  I can't even look him in the eyes properly.

George sits next to me on the couch, but at a little distance „No problem, I'm glad you're okay, you really weren't yourself yesterday"

I take a deep breath..."Hmm I'm missing a few hours from yesterday... can you tell me what happened?" I asked nervously, did I even want to know everything?

George realizes I'm uncomfortable. He puts his hand on my shoulder... „You don't have to be ashamed, everyone has had a wild party night in life" I was slowly able to calm down „I'm going to take a shower now, if you want you can take a shower afterwards. Max doesn't have to see you so exhausted" he added

„Max?" I asked confused. „Yes he comes in an hour, but now don't rack your pretty head" George takes a shower and I just sit there and try to remember anything.

Just like George said, I took a shower after him. When I enter the bathroom he had the window open but I still smell his aftershave.. I see that he has put clothes and towels down for me. A toothbrush, a t-shirt and a hoodie and sports shorts that actually look like the ones I'm wearing now.

The shower helped me tremendously... the pain pill works too and I almost feel like a new person.

When I look at myself in the mirror afterwards I don't see anything of it... my skin is dry and I also have dark circles under my eyes... but well I can't change it now either.

When I leave the bathroom again, I can already smell the breakfast and realize that I'm really hungry... I think that's a good sign. „George, thanks for the shower and clothes... and everything... this is really not self-evident" I gave him a smile.

We sit down at the table, George set it really nicely. While we're still having breakfast, the doorbell rings. George gets up and a few moments later he and Max are in the kitchen.

I look at Max and see how disappointed and mad he is „Max, I'm really sorry... It was stupid to just drive like that without telling you..." I was really sorry I hope he notices.. why do I always make wrong decisions.

Max looks at me... I must look even more exhausted than I did in the mirror before, because his hard gaze is softening „Lily...that was really stupid.. I was looking for you half the evening yesterday..but I'm glad nothing happened to you"

I immediately get up and hug him „I'm really sorry..."

"Tell me everything that happened yesterday... Everything Lily..." I don't know Max with such a serious voice.

„Brian picked me up" is all I manage to say before Max speaks again „Brian? Oh Lily ..​​you can't be serious!!" Max looks angry..

„Max he's not as bad as you and dad think! Oh dad... he's going to kill me for not coming home..." shit, I really haven't thought about my father until now.

„He won't do that.. because he thinks you slept in my guest room..." says Max annoyed.

„Oh my god you two basically saved my life" I squeezed Max again and also George who was still standing.

„Lily, but seriously...that's the last time I lie to Christian for you" while still in George's arms I look at Max and see how serious he is.

„I'm sorry I put you in this situation" and I honestly meant it.

„Did you take something again?"Max really doesn't give up either... but I already feel attacked.. he knows I don't take any more pills.. since... since the last time..

„No ! Only the Alcohol was too much yesterday..." I said seriously.

„I don't want to get involved but Lily when I found you, you were totally lost. It wasn't just alcohol" I looked up at George and saw concern in his eyes too.. why was he worried? He hardly knows me.

„I'm sure it was Brian.. he said something to you again.. I believe you didn't want to take anything but maybe he put something in your drink or something.... he was the last time and the time before that too..." did Max actually want to tell my whole bad past here?

„No, I told Brian I'd stop taking it and he accepted..then it must have been the bartender..." I was sure Brian wouldn't do that.

„Do you swear to me that you didn't take anything voluntarily?" How often does Max want to ask me that now?

„I swear to you Max.."

„Well, I believe you, but you have to finally realize that something bad always happens when you're out with this Brian. Do you remember the last time you..." now it was enough for me and I interrupted him.

„MAX STOP! Please I remember, but I'm not that person anymore" I said in a loud voice.

"I believe you, but we'll talk about it some other time" Max looked at me "But we have to get going and get back to your father before he gets suspicious"

"Yeah you're right, ehm George, where are my clothes from yesterday?" Only now did I realize that I was still in George's embrace and slowly let go. George's hands were still around me, but he released them too

„They're still in the wash... You puked all over your clothes and my shoes last night... I'll bring them with me next time we see us, as long as you can leave these clothes on" He said with a smile.

How sweet is it that he washes my clothes? But wait a minute I throw up on his shoes? oh my god, how embarrassing „Thanks George! I really don't know how to thank you for that..."

„Very simple. ." he said confident.

I smile and look at him questioningly.

„You can invite me to dinner at the next race" Now he was grinning.

I have to smile, too „Alright Mister Russel, we're going to do that" I said and turned to Max to go with him.

Max grinned at George and me, why was he grinning so stupidly?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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