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Friendly Fire 

Chapter Two: In The Firing Line

"I am burying the things that hurt you"

-Room Service, Holly Humberstone

Arlo's lungs begged for air as he skidded into his father's side, clutching his arm to stabilize his balance

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Arlo's lungs begged for air as he skidded into his father's side, clutching his arm to stabilize his balance. Rafael's eyes widened at the sight of his youngest son, reaching his other hand out to pat his head while choosing to ignore the confused look on Arlo's face.

Stiles and Rafael had finished bickering. Rafael poked at Stiles's father, Noah, and Stiles poked at Rafael's intelligence. Stiles was about to move on to Rafael's parenting skills but was soon distracted by Arlo's less-than-graceful entrance.

"Where's Scooter?" Arlo panted out, standing to his full height, meeting his dad's eyes.

"Oh, you're funny if you think I'm letting you get involved in a federal case." Rafael dismissed, looking down at his notepad so Arlo wouldn't have to see the anxiety in his eyes.

Arlo rolled his eyes and snatched the notepad out of Rafael's hands. "My brother is in the middle of this, somehow. I refuse to let him go through whatever the hell is going on alone."

"You're Scott's brother? Arlo, right?" Stiles spoke for the first time since Arlo's appearance. He was then startled by Arlo letting out a soft giggle, and a light flush appeared on his cheeks.

"You're really pretty."

Stiles blinked in confusion. Bringing a finger up to point at his face, lips pursed, a question fighting to fall from them. He has spent years chasing after Lydia, begging to be seen. Begging to be noticed. To be loved. She never noticed him the same way that he noticed her. It felt nice to be complimented, to be noticed.

"Arlo, settle down. Stilinksi, go home. When you find your father, have him check in." Rafael delegated, grabbing his notepad back from Arlo and shoving him away from Stiles and down the hall.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆

Rafael was trying his best to prevent his eye from twitching in annoyance. Arlo was stone-walling him, refusing to give a clear answer as to why he was in Beacon Hills.

"Arlo, why did you come here?"

Arlo's eyes just followed the wall in front of him. Studying all of the signs, reading them so he didn't have to speak to his father.



"Arlo, will you answer me?"

"Because my house was haunted."

Rafael brought a hand to his brow and sighed.

"Arlo, can we have a serious talk-"

"My house was haunted by the memory of you. My house was haunted by my mother's sadness." Arlo began, his eyes welled up with tears. "In that house, my mother is 21. In that house, my mother is frozen in time. I thought I would lose my brother in that house."

Rafael snapped his mouth closed.

"Did you know that some days she doesn't even recognize me? That she is stuck in a time where everything was okay? She still pays rent for the apartment that you guys lived in here. There's always a plate for you on the dinner table."

The silence spoke louder than it had before. Rafael gulped down a sob and pulled Arlo into his chest. Arlo's hands shook with the desperation to be loved. He only had his mother on certain days. He had his father for months at a time until he left completely, only leaving a note. But Arlo always had Scott, no matter how bad things got. He always had Scott.

Even when his mother moved him to Oregon. Scott wrote him letters every week and called him every day. Melissa had to fix every envelope for a while because Scott didn't know how to address them. A smile on her face every time. Arlo sent cards for every holiday and every birthday. They never spoke about Rafael, none of them ever having the right words.

"He called me a few nights ago. The way he was talking made it seem like he had tried to take his own life. I'm here because I refuse to lose him, I don't care what trouble he's in. I don't care what trouble I can get into. I am here for him, just like he has always been there for me."

Arlo shoved his father off of him. Taking a few steps back before turning and walking away.

"It would be nice if you could be there for us for once. It looks like you're doing better than you were before." Arlo called over his shoulder.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆

Scott smiled down at the watch and letter in his hands.


"My dad got my mom this watch when she first got hired at the hospital. She used to say it was the only thing in their marriage that ever worked." He let out a soft laugh as his eyes fell to the letter. "And Arlo wrote me this letter when he was six. He told me that it was the first time that he lost his second tooth."

Light laughter spread across the room before it fell back to its somber roots. Scott, Stiles, and Allison all made their way to the tubs full of ice water. All of them took a sharp inhale at the coldness of the water and at the realization of what they were about to do. Stiles looked over at Scott before opening his mouth to fill him in.

"By the way, if I don't make it back and you do, you should probably know something. Your dad's in town. And so is Arlo."

Scott's eyes widened out of worry. Arlo's human and had no idea about the supernatural, it was the only secret Scott ever kept from Arlo.

"Arlo's here? He could get hurt! Stiles, why is he here?"

"He said that his house was haunted, and he wanted to protect you. Scott, I think he's worried that you're suicidal."

Scott went to answer, but time had run out. He was shoved under the water and found himself wondering what ghosts Arlo was seeing.

 He was shoved under the water and found himself wondering what ghosts Arlo was seeing

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(Author's note!) 

Arlo's story is so sad?? That wasn't on purpose, I swear.  I hope you guys love him as much as I do. 

Have a wonderful, wonderful day! <3

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