Fated [Soulmate AU]

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3000+ words


Long ago, when humans arrived, there was a time when everyone had a soulmate. Their other half, a perfect fit.

But with human's greed and sin the divine gods and goddesses took away the ability to find your soulmate. With the unfaithful humans, all humankind was punished for an eternity.

Though there were some good souls that the gods and goddesses took pity on. Only they can find their other half and renew their vows, so that they can be together for an eternity.

Still everyone has a match, everyone has another half. The gods and goddesses didn't take the soulmate away, they removed the ability to find them.

They say if you pay close attention you can see the red string leading you to your soulmate.

"Doubt that!" Rose scoffed as she shut her book closed. Slamming it on the wooden table. A frown was placed on her face, "Soulmates don't exist!"

"If I had a soulmate, he'd be dreamy... probably cause it would only be a dream." She let out a sigh as she muttered the last part under her breath. Pulling the book tighter to her chest as she admired the morning sky.

Usually she wouldn't wake up this early, but she was so excited she couldn't sleep a wink.

The morning light shined through her window. It's another day, and a new school year.

"I'm gonna be late!" Her screams shook her house, the whole neighborhood could probably hear.

The energetic blondie was too excited for the new year, and new friends that could come with it.

Her shoes hit the sidewalk at a rapid pace. Her blondie hair tumbled behind her as her pink headband held her locks out of her face.

Her pink cheeks turned red as she puffed for air. She leant on a door and then a sign caught her eye.

"Buy one get one free! A shoe sale!!!" She squealed with delight, school could wait.

Of course it wouldn't be peaceful in the store, as she ran into a small mouse. A cute mouse indeed. He'll be important later in the story.

Now here comes the important part.

"Oof" Rose groaned and rubbed her head. She bumped into a green headed boy; he'll also be important later.

The sun in that moment decided to peek out from behind a cloud. The light reflected on a shiny object.

"A key?" Rose twisted it between her fingers. Examining it throughly.

"W-wait! You dropped you're key!" She shouted chasing after the poor boy, like how Alice chased after the white rabbit.

Then she saw him. Opening a door in an alleyway.

Her eyes widened as the portal opened.

Just as it appeared, it disappeared just as fast.

"What was that place?" She murmured under her breath.

A tug pulled on her chest. She knew it was something important, and something drew her in.

She stepped closer to the spot where the boy placed the key.

And uttered the magic words.

A smaller door appeared.

Well... wrong magic words.

She opened the door and peaked inside, "Hello!"

She gasped as all she saw was a bright blue sky.

Then she felt a pull, something was drawing her in there. It wasn't something bad, no it felt good.

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