The stars

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Rose POV
I was gazing at the stars, it was a beautiful night. The stars were bright and pure. I sighed I was content, with life.

Nothing felt wrong, just perfectly right. It seemed like the world froze. Perfect- was how everything was. But I know that nothing is truly perfect, I felt like there was a dagger in my gut.

My perfect moment of silence was interrupted, I felt like I was being watched, I felt myself tense, like every bone in my body was ready to attack.

"Hey Rose." I saw Hawk above on a dragon. Jumping landing on the balcony. "What are you doing here?" I asked, "I wanted to check on all of my friends." I looked at him curiously, "Why?"

"Do I really need an excuse to see a friend?" I shook my head, "No, I just didn't expect you to be here without a reason."

He sighed, "I- I think... there's something wrong. And I don't know, what it is it's just a feeling of alert just washes over you. You know?" I nodded, "i felt it to. I just assumed it was you."

He sighed and sat on the balcony, "The stars are beautiful." he said pulling an apple out and taking a bite. I nodded, "Very." "when I was younger my mother would tell me about them with Fala." he laughed, "Its kind of funny, that sometimes you miss the sweet and simple pleasures of being a child." I sighed, "Yeah, time always taunts us but, we still have memories of the good things reminding us to stay good." he smiled at me and I felt my knees start to turn to jello.

"Its always nice to think of all the small things that made us the way we are." I nodded. "I can think back to when I was younger and had some fun, and now when my fun will get interrupted by my granny or the fan girls." I gave a small laugh, "Those fan girls just won't give up will they?" I said with a small smile.

"Tell me about it. I told then I wasn't interested and they think that means 'take me I'm yours'" I shook my head, "thats superficial love, well that's what my friend calls it anyway."

He looked up at the sky, "oh look a shooting star." I smiled, "make a wish." We both made a wish, "what did you wish for?" Hawk asked I shook my head, "cant say, you?" he smiled and replied, "That the girl I love, will love me back and be mine."

We both just stared at the stars enjoying nights embrace.

My heart gave a flutter when he hugged me goodbye. I waved back at him.

I stared at the stars one more time, "I wish... That Hawks lover will always love him... Even if it's not me. I want him to be happy."

And with that I went inside. Not looking back, I know that stars will be there.

And if Hawk and I weren't meant to be together, then it just wasn't written in the stars.


The end(of the chapter)

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