Chapter 11 part 1

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Wow, so many cross-overs wait. What's that..... warning possible sexual tension incoming

The clock finally struck midnight, which meant that Nathan Drake could finally go home after spending an intense amount of hours in the office as he dealt with clients, yelling and throwing crude insults. He'd be lying if he just sat there and took their abuse. He was that damn close to throwing something across the room. He just leaned back in his chair, placing his hands over his eyes for a second, letting his mind wander about the rest of the night until he remembered it was Christmas. Shit. He thought. He ran his hands down his overly exhausted face.

All Nathan Drake desperately wanted was a hot damn shower and a warm bed.

He grabbed his bag, tossed his coat over his shoulder, and finally stepped outside of his god forsaken office. He flipped the switch, shutting off the remainder of the lights. This had been one long night. He wasn't wasting another minute of his life in this place. Dealing with his annoying clients was one thing. It was another if he had several stacks of overdue paperwork, which he barely got through half. He called it quits after that.

He wasn't fully paying attention as he and some other co-workers pressed the elevator button at the same time. He blinked in confusion before he turned to face Elena Fisher, staring directly at him with the same warn out expression. If there was something else to make this night even more disastrous, it was running into her at this ungodly hour. They were rarely on good terms. This is just my luck. He thought. He wondered if they could get by without getting into an argument within the next five minutes. He was asking for a miracle.

"Elena." He acknowledged.


The door slid open as they both stepped inside, Nathan pushing the "1st" floor button. They were completely and utterly quiet. That's how it always started, and then one of them would piss the other off. Nathan actually felt more annoyed by this than their normal banter. He got a kick out of her when she stumbled over her words if he suddenly caught her off guard. Tonight was no different. He even wondered if they could ever get along. He was asking for another damn miracle.

That's when everything went horribly wrong. They felt the sudden weight stop for a split second. They both had the same 'oh shit' faces. Nathan instantly fell on the floor just as Elena was thrown forward, roughly landing on his chest. Nate tightly held onto her as they tumbled into the walls. Elena clenched her fists into his shirt. He could probably feel her nails digging into his shoulders, but she didn't care about that.

Nathan's back slammed into the door, grunting in pain. God, I was going to need a hot shower after all this shit. Maybe some alcohol. He opened his eyes for a moment, and that was probably a bad idea because he was thrusted in mid-air, and within the very next instant, his back roughly smacked the floor. Every part of his body was on fire, like he was run over by a train. Everything was spinning, barely understanding what the hell just happened. He blinked back the pain, resting his head on the cool ground. He didn't want to move.

"Are you okay?" Nathan asked worriedly as she carefully rolled off him.

"Me? What about you?" She said incredulously as she waved her hands in the air.

She was just in shock.

"'Thank you, Nathan. You're welcome, Elena. I'm fine. Thanks for asking.' Show a little hospitality." He sarcastically said as he carefully got to his feet and fixed his shirt. She rolled her eyes.

"God, you are so damn frustrating." She gritted through her teeth. Nathan instantly stepped in her line, closing the gap between them.

"I'm frustrating? I miss one little thing, and you get on my ass about it." He yelled in disbelief, glaring right in her green eyes.

Elena could feel his breath fall on her cheek. He was a little too close for her liking, but she never told him to back off or say anything. He was making a point. Elena didn't know if she was paying more attention to the argument or his fierce blue eyes. Strangely, she felt safe. Nathan noticed she kept her mouth shut, and that slightly worried him. He waved his hand in front of her face twice. She blinked and stuttered over her words.

"Sorry . . . you're right." She barely said above a whisper and hardly registered what she said. Nate narrowed his gaze.

"What?" He said as if he didn't understand her. "Did you manage to hit your head after all that?"

"Can we at least try and get along for the next few minutes without going at each other throats?" Elena suggested before something went out of hand and regretted certain outcomes. Nate nodded his head for an answer.

Silence . . .

"Let's see if we can get out of this damn elevator."

He pressed the "emergency" button on the panel, but nothing happened. Well, shit this is going swell. He thought. He flipped the hatch open, looking past the electrical wiring, and they were all in the proper place. Perhaps it was a mechanical issue, and if that wasn't the case, he blamed it on the damn weather.

Nate faced her with a sheepish look, shrugging his shoulders, basically saying they were stuck and he couldn't do a damn thing about it. He leaned his back against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. He took this moment to actually see Elena Fisher as a co-worker, maybe a possible friend, but he was starting to realize her as something more. That scared the hell out of him. And that's when he realized he was staring at her.

"Why were you at the office so long?" Nate suddenly asked out of boredom.

"I had a little extra time on my hands." Nate scoffed.

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