Chapter 7

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You'll tell yourself anything you have to,

To pretend that you're still the one in control."

—Jodi Picoult


This morning, true to form, Ethan woke up at three, screaming as if his head was on fire...and it was the greatest sound in the world. Lisa and I jumped up off the floor and ran to him, but he didn't want us, he wanted his music. Lisa was confused when I told her, but pressed play anyway. With seconds, Ethan began to calm down and I fed him his applesauce until he fell back to sleep.

Lisa and I didn't speak other than that. Once Ethan went down, she looked like she wanted to go to bed but thought better of it and sat back against the opposite wall. She looked tired, but because she was an egotistical asshole, she wouldn't close her eyes until she thought I was asleep. And because I was stupid, I allowed her to think so. I hated her and I hated that she made me feel so vulnerable.

I needed a moment to clear my head and to shower. Evelyn had kept our room untouched like a time capsule. My shoes, makeup, clothing, everything was in the same place, including a note left to me by Adriana. I knew if our room hadn't been touched then neither had hers and I'd been correct. I thought I would feel better after being in her room, but all I wanted to do was to get back to Ethan. Her glasses were still on the bedside table, her bed was still unmade, and the bat Antonio had given her after they'd gone to see the Chicago Cubs, rested by the dresser. Antonio had come to me privately and asked for the weekend off. Adriana was pissed, hating the fact that he'd spoken to me behind her back. However, I told her to go. I didn't know how it turned out, I really didn't care to ask. She looked happy enough. Now Antonio was dead, and so was she. But at least he'd died with honor and loyalty. At least he hadn't betrayed me.

Walking over to the dresser, I grabbed the bat, and the first thing I swung at was her mirror. Swinging it with as much force as possible, I watched it shattered before I moved on to the lamp. I swung at it so hard it flew off the table before it splintered into a million pieces. It sparked once before going dark.

I unleashed my anger at Adriana on her belongings. After that, I didn't care what it was, I just wanted it in pieces; the chairs, glass table. I swung at it all. Everything in this room was Adriana, it was all a lie...the Adrianna I'd known was a lie.

"Ma'am?" I heard someone call out.

I glanced back to see Hanbin standing in the doorway. Stopping mid-swing, I threw the bat onto the ground before fully turning to the door. Hanbin, Chanyeol, and Lisa all stood there, staring at me and the destruction that I'd caused.

Maybe they thought I'd lost it...Maybe I had.

"I want to talk to everyone close to the family in the basement," I spoke directly to Lisa. This wasn't up for debate.

She said nothing to me, but she addressed Hanbin and Chanyeol. "You heard her," she said to them, and within seconds, they were gone. Calling over a maid, she pointed into the room. "Have everything in here cleared out. I don't want to see any of it ever again."

"Yes, ma'am." She nodded before turning.

"My father is with Ethan."

"He came in as I left and told me to wash up," I told him.

"And you listened?"

"I'd planned on taking a shower anyway."

With a nod, she turned away and part of me wanted to reach out and punch her square across the face...or kiss her. I felt as if she was continually pulling at parts of me.

"I'll meet you down there."


We went our separate ways and I was fine with that. I was fine. I had to be fine.

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