Chapter 28

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(Wow I really left y'all hanging 😭 I'm so sorry I'm gonna try to finish this story the next few days!)

Y/N gulped at what Yuji said they were killing humans. They should call for backup definitely not something they should be handling Y/N tapped her ear piece "hey we need backup" they were met with silence. "Hello?" Tapping a few more times nothing sighing. "Well thats just lovely we're cut off we better go and regroup with the others." They nodded agreeing claiming the latter to get out of the sewer they found it not opening not matter how much they tried. Coming back down Y/N sat trying to not panic but it was quite obvious she was Inumaki sat next to her. "It's going to be okay it's just a little bump." She listened thoughtfully. "I don't know something feels different about this like the energy feels bad worse then I've ever felt but I'm sure we can find another way out." Y/N stood up dusting off then turning and helping Inumaki stand. "Alright we're not going to break off into groups we're going to stick together and go through here and try and find a way out." They agreed following Y/N and Inumaki through the tunnels they go half way through before feeling a rumble throwing them a little off balance heading a voice but not able to distinguish were from. "Well~ You just fell or should I say walked right into your death there are countless curses I've made to release here I hope you have fun trying to survive." He chuckled menacingly as it fades the rumble continued. Y/N seeing some shadows began to push everyone. "Run I'll hold them back for a bit get ahead and send someone down!" They began to run till Inumaki heard her he stopped turning to pull her. "YUJI TAKE INUMAKI!" Inumaki went to shout at Y/N to get her to move but all that came out was a cough. Cutting her wrist letting it drip into the water seeing the curse appear she began to build a barrier. A tear streamed down her face she knew what she was doing Inumaki as well there was no way all of them could get out alive. She could hear Inumaki's distress shouts and yells as tried to fight back seeing once curse hit the barrier a tear streamed down her cheek. "How cruel is my fate to die in some sewer like a rat without getting to love him longer." She moved her hand making weapons from her blood taking it out of her. She could feel herself getting weaker and weaker by the moment as her barrier began to crack.

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