Movie night

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Malena's pov: so i was sitting in my bed and I decided to text niyah because it was the weekend and I texted you wsp Ma what u up to.

Niyah's pov: I'm eating strawberries until I hear a ring sound on my phone I quickly grab my phone and see that you texted me'I quickly text you back hey Boo I'm eating strawberries what about you.

Malena's pov: I smile and text you back I ain't doing nothing how u doing today
Niyah's pov:I smile and text you back I'm doing fine can I come over today or do u have plans with friends

Malena's pov:I don't really have any plans today because I barely have any friends and of course u can come over shawty

Niyah's pov:I text you back and smile ok Malena I'll see u soon I slide my phone into my back pocket and grab my charger and go get into the shower for 45 minutes and than I get out and grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder and I grab my water bottle and head out and arrive at your house a hour later and than I knock on your door

Malena's pov:I hear a knock on the door and stand up and go walk over to the door and answer it and greet you wsp shawty

Niyah's pov:wsp daddy I smile and jump up and wrap my legs around your waist and my arms around your neck hugging

Malena's pov:I wrap my arms around you hey shawty why u so happy

Niyah's pov:because I missed youu so much now come on I drag you to your room

Malena's pov:I follow you into my room and shut the door and lock it and I ask you hey shawty do wanna watch a movie

Niyah's pov:yeah what are we watching I smile and sit in your bed and take my jacket off
Malena's pov:we're watching men in black and than I sit next to you and turn on the movie and than I let out a sigh and sit next to you

Niyah's pov:hey u ok Malena what's wrong it seems like your not ok

Malena's pov:no I'm not ok can we talk about it after the movie please I give you a sad expression

Niyah's pov:of course we can I'm not rushing you to tell me either boo take your time ok

Malena's pov:ok thank u I appreciate it Ma we look at the tv and watch the movie for a while

Niyah's pov:Malena I have to tell u something but please don't be mad about it ok please don't

Malena's pov:yea Ma wsp what's on your mind and why would I be mad I don't have a reason to me mad at you

Niyah's pov:I don't know how to say this but Malena I-I think I don't like girls anymore

Malena's pov:oh that's ok I understand you

Niyah's pov:thank u for understanding we watch the movie and fall asleep

Malena's pov:I cuddle u and sigh than it's the middle of the night and I stand up and walk to the kitchen feeling a little upset cause up what you told me but I just had to accept it I open the fridge door and see no food than understand I gotta go grocery shopping I shut it softly and go put on my shoes and jacket and than I leave and go to the store and buy some grocery food and than it starts to rain so after I get my food I go back home and put the food up and than I go and sit on my couch and sigh
Niyah's Pov:i snore
Malena's pov:I pop open a alcohol bottle and drink to than just stare at the wall for hours than I eventually go to sleep because I get tired
Niyah's pov:I get up to use the restroom and see Malena but I ignore her than use the restroom than go back to the room and lay down and go to sleep
Malena's pov:I wake up and rub my head damn my h-head hurts...

To be continued...this was a sad chapter ngl

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