Sorting things out like True adults pt 1.

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Tara's pov:Mama what happened between u and Malena
Niyah's pov:d-daddy we just had a conversation and she left with Jada c-can we handle this like true adults please
Tara's pov:of course but how do u wanna handle this mama
Niyah's pov:can u invite them over
Tara's pov:sure I sigh and pull out my phone and send Malena a quick get over here ASAP it's urgent
Malena's pov:is sleeping with Jada than a few hours later we get up and get dressed and head to your house because we saw your text message
Niyah's pov:I hear a loud banging sound against the door and start shaking a little and slowly walk towards the door still shaking and I go answer it
Malena's pov:I give u a death stare and roll my eyes can I come in or u just gon make me stand out here while it's snowing
Niyah's pov:well I might just fucking make u stand out there considering your being such a fucking asshole I smirk and grab your hand shoving u inside and than letting Jada in
Jada's pov:why do u guys hate each other so much
Malena's pov:I don't hate her i smile she's so nice I smile and put my hand on her lower back isn't that right niyah I whisper
Niyah's pov:y-yeah I feel a cold shiver run down my spine
Tara's pov:I smile and come out with some drinks but it doesn't have alcohol in it because niyah is pregnant at the moment
Niyah's pov:I start to slowly back away from Malena and than I grab her hand pulling her to the side Malena I umm u still kinda make me nervous and I still very much love u ok I just feel like if I leave Tara she'll hurt me
Malena's pov:if she hurts u I will beat the fuck outta her and make her regret ever putting her hands on u Mama
Niyah's pov:I-I-stutter and look down M-Malena I-I blush I'm gonna go now I walk back to Tara and sit next to her
Tara's pov:what was that about
Niyah's pov:oh ummm I-I was just telling her I still love her
Tara's pov:niyah I stand up come here I grab your hand pulling u to the restroom
Niyah's pov:I-I'm sorry i start shaking
Tara's pov:I raise my hand and see u flinch then lower my hand what's wrong with u hm telling her u still love her that's your whole ex what's the damn difference I'm your fucking wife Malena put her hands on you
Niyah's pov:but u fucking cheated on me damnit she never cheated on me she never hurt me the way u did Tara im outta here I cry and walk off and as I'm walking straight to my room I bump into Malena with tears flowing from my eyes
Malena's pov:I stop u hey hey what's wrong Mama I wrap my arms around u
Niyah's pov:I start to cry hard into your chest a lot and get my tears on your shirt and than I look into your eyes T-Tara yelled at M-me and was finna hit me b-because I told her what we was talking about
Malena's pov:oh hell no I walk to Tara's room and punch her in her mouth
Tara's pov:Malena bro nigga what the fuck is wrong with u
Malena's pov:nah nigga what the fuck Is wrong with u u raised your damn hand and was finna put your fucking hands on niyah just because she told me she still loves me that's ok for her to love 2 people
Tara's pov:nah nigga now I'm finna kill u pulls out my gun and instead of pointing it towards u I point it towards niyah
Niyah's pov:w-what did I do to deserve any of this T-Tara i tear up
Tara's pov:I pull the trigger and shoot it
Malena's pov:I jump in the way and shout niyah run!?
Niyah's pov:b-but Malena your hurt I tear up
Malena's pov:j-just go I bleed out I-I will be fine
Niyah's pov:I love u Malena I tear up and kiss your cheek than walk out crying hard and I run straight into Jada's arms crying hard
Jada's pov:awww what's wrong Nyny
Niyah's pov:can we go p-please i Tear up I'll tell u what happened when we g-get to the house
Jada's Pov:ok love we get to Malena's house and go inside and u tell me everything that happened and than u take a warm shower and get out and I comfort u as we watch movies and we end up falling asleep together cuddling
Niyah's Pov:I snore laying on your chest
Tara's pov:i aim my gun at Malena again
Malena's pov:I smirk so yo Pussy ass is scary as fuck for 1 because u hiding behind u gun like nah nigga put dat gun down and fight like a real Nigga I laugh and look at u
Tara's pov:I drop the gun and run towards u
Malena's pov:Aghhh I move!?and push u into the dresser slamming your face really bad and making u bleed I smirk oops
Tara's pov:nigga I smirk bleeding and I stand up that ain't hurt me I run towards u and grab your face banging it on the wall 5 times making u bleed than push u on the ground hitting u in da head with my gun 5 times and than I twist your arm and break it
Malena's pov:I'm in pain but I tear up and push u off me and push u down climbing ontop of u punching u constantly and u start bleeding a lot in the face I grab your arm and twist it around to breaking your arm to
Tara's pov:I scream in pain AGHHHHH!?
Malena's pov:nigga shut yo pussy ass up I roll my eyes and stand up and then run to my duffle bag
Tara's pov:I smirk and sneak up behind you and punch u in the side
Malena's pov:aghhh I groan in pain and than push u and after your not looking at me I run towards u and Jump on your back making u fall on your face hitting your mouth real bad and busting your lip
Tara's pov:I groan in pain and than all of a sudden I bolt up Ayy Malena I know what the fuck u did
Malena's pov:I stand up with my heart pounding fast ok than what the fuck did I do than Hm
Tara's pov:u killed your coach and told niyah about it which u shouldn't have and u faked your death so I'm calling the cops now i smirk and grab my phone dialing 9.1.1
Malena's pov:I walk towards u slowly and snatch your phone from your hand and throw it on the floor smashing it now how about that now u can't call the cops I smirk
Tara's pov:your acting like I don't have another phone stupid ass I laugh and grab my rolled up blunt and light it den smoke it
Malena's pov:I roll my eyes Nigga Ian Finna be here longer than u expect me to be but ima just say this if u ever decide to put your hands on niyah at one point I smirk looking u in the eyes I will hunt u down and I will find u and I will kill u oh and that's a fact to
Tara's pov:whatever bro damn get the fuck outta my face
Malena's pov:nah I'm good I think ima just stay here I smirk and sit next to u pass da blunt
Tara's pov:Here u bitch ass nigga I roll my eyes and hand it to you
Malena's pov:appreciate it fuck nigga I laugh and take 4 big hits from it
Tara's pov:I roll my eyes and than stand up walking out
Malena's Pov:I stand up putting da blunt out
Tara's pov:I grab a pan and walk towards Malena knocking her out cold
Malena's pov:I black out
A few hours later
Malena's pov:I walk into my apartment after leaving Tara's house and I'm feeling really dizzy and I walk in and see You and Jada cuddled up on the couch than walk to my room and lay down
Jada's pov:I sigh and wake up and kiss Niyah's forehead I'ma get up now ok
Niyah's pov:noooo please can u stay with me
Jada's pov:alright love I'll stay with u for a while ok
Niyahs pov:alright I got smile and lay back on u going back to sleep
Tara's pov:I break into Malena's apartment from the back door and walk in to see you and Jada sleeping and I slowly grab you from Jada's arms and lift u up into my arms and whisper it's ok baby we're gonna go home
Niyah's pov:I groan and open my eyes and see Tara and give her a death stare why would u fucking shoot Malena is she ok
Tara's pov:yes she's fine stop worrying about that stupid idiot ok damn I roll my eyes and we eventually get home
Niyah's pov:I walk in and see a trail of blood and start to panic o-omg AGHHHH!?I scream and cry u fucking killed her I kick u in the nuts
Tara's pov:o-oww no the fuck I didn't Malena came back while u and Jada was sleep she's at her house right now I look up at u in pain
Niyah's Pov:fuck u I stand up and than walk to the car and get in and drive back to Malena's apartment and use your spare key underneath your carpet and walk in and walk to you h-hey Malena I sigh and grab your hand softly are u ok
Malena's pov:I'm fine I sigh and look down holding an ice pack to my head and one to my stomach
Niyah's pov:wait so let me get this straight not only did she fucking shoot u she hit u in the damn head as well
Malena's pov:well technically yeah but that's because I beat her ass and she's mad that she lost I smirk and laugh
Niyah's pov:b-but u look like u In so much pain Malena
Malena's pov:it's ok I'm used to getting my ass kicked I always got beat up back in high school
Niyah's pov:well I'm sorry u had to go through that also can I meet your parents
Malena's pov:n-no because they aren't I start to shake really bad h-here anymore
Niyah's pov:what do u mean
Malena's pov:w-well uh so technically before I became famous I used to work in the mafia and my parents didn't pay they're debt and so those people killed both my parents infront of me and now all I have left is my stepsister because my parents were separated
Niyah's pov:well can I meet your umm step sister at least
Malena's pov:sure I sigh and than lean down I'll ask her if she's free tomorrow so u can meet her
Niyah's pov:mk well Malena I hope you doing so much better when I come back I tear up and I love you Malena and I'm in love with you I grab your face kissing u
Malena's pov:I kiss u back deeper and we make out for 10 mins than pull away slowly
Malena's pov:I love u t beautiful be careful
Niyah's pov:I will Malena b-bye I wave and leave and get back home than get into my pjs and walk to my room and lay down
Tara's pov:I lay down after u switching off the light and cuddle u and we fall into a deep sleep

To be continued...

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