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If you're like me then this trailer for Gotham Knights had you hyped for the game story. To see how each of the knights would face their insecurities and flaws in the face of Batman's death. To see how they were to overcome that and become something better.

Also like me you were disappointed when in the main game, these issues were delt with by optional cutscenes that don't really have a bearing on the main story. With little incentive besides completion status and exp. 

After beating the game on new game +, I noticed that in the main story, none of the knights really experienced any personal growth. Sure are moments where on version of a knight's cutscene is more interesting and personal to them than the others. Such as Batgirl's manbat aftermath cutscene or Red Hood's final boss cutscenes hitting harder than nightwing's or robin's version of those events.

Thus here comes Knighthood Quests, named after one of the sidequests, these are personal sidequests that can only be done with a particular knight. In addition to the Side quests already in the game. 

Sure these are still side content but i feel there would be more incentive by actually doing a side quest where you complete task and fight a boss.

I see this possible thanks to the game having all four of them sharing the same level and gaining leveled gear for each mission. Thus guaranteeing that no night is under leveled or underpowered. 

Instead of the narratives that I do here. These chapters would be more of an outline, explaining how the quest would be down and the choices I made.

Why not simply make a youtube video? some of you may ask.

I'm not a youtuber nor do I have plans on becoming one.

My release schedule of my fanfic chapters would not pass with the algorithm.

So it seems like too much work for a single video.

So I doing this instead.

Hey, if this does well. I may considered doing a rewrite of the main story.

We'll just have to see.

Gotham Knights: Knighthood QuestsWhere stories live. Discover now