Brothers From Another Mother

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*Klaus’s POV*

I walked down a lonely street, darkness consuming the night. I sauntered into a bar, taking a seat at the bar and ordering a glass of Brandy. Tears filled my cerulean eyes as I downed the beverage, enjoying the burning sensation that slid down my throat. The same burning sensation that was alight in my heart. I was going to destroy Damon Salvatore for taking her away from me. When Damon took Sebastian back he let it slip…bad move. I slammed my glass down has hard as I could, shattering it into a million pieces.

"Hey…you’re going to have to pay for that.” I cocked my head to the side, my anger rising like molten lava to the surface.

"I think you’re greatly mistaking.” I hopped over the bar counter, pulling the bartenders head back and taking his neck in my mouth, chewing savagely at his flesh. Warm thick blood poured into my mouth but it didn’t bring me any pleasure…any joy. Killing the useless waist of air I was feeding on wasn’t enough to make me smile, enough to take away the pain. Caroline Forbes…I’d loved her more that anything in my thousand years on this Earth. The way her long blond hair gently cascaded down her shoulders and her bright blue eyes twinkled when she smiled. Her laugh that rang out like an angel singing, and the way she always smelled of freshly picked roses. I longed to brush my hand along her silky smooth skin and whisper in her ear that she was safe. But she wasn’t safe, she’d been ripped from me. I dropped the bartenders lifeless body to the floor and didn’t even bother wiping the warm red liquid from my lips and chin as I walked out of the bar and headed towards Gloria’s. If anyone knew how to bring someone back from the dead it was her, and I was determined that I wasn’t spending the rest of my eternity without the one person that gave me a reason to continue existing.

*Back to Elena and Damon*

Elena and Damon woke up to the sound of Katherine yelling and what sounded like Scarlett crying. Ian had somehow wedged himself between Damon and Elena and was covering his ears, curling his little body into Damon’s side.

"What’s wrong, Sebas, is your aunt okay?” Damon asked, sitting up and pulling his son into his lap.

"Uncle Stefan is yelling at her. I told Scarlett to come upstairs with me but…” Elena gently rubbed his back.

"But what?”

“But Aunt Katherine tried to leave with her instead and Uncle Stefan got really mad…he hit her. Then I ran upstairs.” Ian’s voice was trembling as if he were about to cry and Damon told them both to stay in there, running down the stairs and into the scene that was playing out in the living room. Scarlett was clinging to Stefan’s leg, begging him not to leave, and Katherine was on the floor, knocked out from the force of the slap. Damon gave Stefan a stern look.

"Stefan, I don’t know what she did but this is no way to act in front of your daughter. What the hell is going on?” Stefan glared daggers at Damon.

"Don’t be a hypocrite, you were being dick of the century last night.”

“Yeah I well I never hurt my wife, did I Stefan? And I never would, especially not in front of our children!” Stefan rolled his eyes.

"That’s the problem, Damon! Katherine and I aren’t married, we’ve been dating for going on four years and we have a child together, but she doesn’t want to be anything more. She can’t commit to being with me forever, she’s never committed to anything in her life! I tried to do something romantic for her this morning, breakfast, a massage…a fucking proposal! But no, the next thing I know I’m on one knee and she’s giving me a lecture about trying to force her into something she wasn’t sure she’d ever be ready for! Maybe it’s not just her that can’t do this Damon, maybe it’s me. Maybe I’m not cut out for family life, I’m better off on my own. Better off without my whore of a girlfriend, my neurotic and painfully indecisive sister-in-law, and my arrogant ass-hole of a brother.” He screamed, picking Scarlett up and holding her close to his chest.

"Don’t go, Daddy.” She whispered. He kissed the top of her head.

"I’d never leave you sweetheart, you’re the one family member I would never be better without. You’re coming with me.” Stefan walked to the door but Damon pulled him back by his shoulder.

"No, Stefan. You’re not going anywhere with Scarlett, this is her home and we are her family. You’re not putting her needs before your own, and you never have. Hell, I take better care of her than you do, you’re the idiot who always force-feeds her chilled animal blood when she’s preferred human blood at around 100.9 degrees since the day she was born! Oh wait…I forget, you were mysteriously absent for that.” Damon spat, causing Stefan’s face to contort into a sneer. He put Scarlett down and stepped closer to Damon.

"That may be true but I was present for the birth of your little mistake, and I had loads of fun kissing your slut while she pushed him out.” Damon punched Stefan in the face and then slammed him into the wall left of the front door. He wasted no time taking Stefan by the neck and ramming his head repeatedly into the wall until there was a large blood stain left where his head kept hitting. Scarlett began to cry louder and Elena bolted down the stairs.

"Damon stop it! You’re scaring Scarlett!” Damon let go of Stefan and gave one nice head-butt that knocked him out cold.

"Did he really kiss you…when you were having Ian?” Elena sighed.

"Yes, one time after I got him to turn his emotions back on. I told him I’d keep it to myself as long as he promised to never do it again.” Damon was seething.

"You should have told me, Elena. I’d have made damn sure he never did it again.” Elena’s eyes filled with tears and she looked down at her feet.

"Are you mad at me?” Damon sighed and reached out for her hand, lacing his fingers between hers.

"Am I mad? Yes, but not at you. I know you didn’t tell me because you just wanted things to go back to the way they were. It’s okay.” He said gently, pulling her into a kiss. Damon turned around to move Stefan and take his body to his room, but he was gone, Scarlett was gone, and the door was wide open.

*Klaus’s POV*

I was sitting backwards in a chair talking to Gloria, my heart racing as she was going through her grimoire for anything that could help me. Suddenly the doors of the bar swung open and I saw my old friend Stefan, carrying what looked like a mini female version of himself.

"Ah, Ripper, is that your daughter? She’s cute.” Stefan smiled.

"Yeah this is my Scarlett.” Scarlett was terrified to be this far from home, but she smiled at the hybrid anyway. Klaus held out his arms and gave Stefan a questioning look. Stefan responded by allowing Klaus to hold her, and he bounced Scarlett for a little bit on his knee.

"She’s a cutie. You’re just in time for the party, I’m bringing back your dear friend Caroline.” Stefan’s lips curled into a surprised smile.

“You really do love her…don’t you?” I didn’t make eye contact but I nodded.

“More than anything.” I just wanted her to be in my arms, I craved it. Caroline might not have dated me, but I’d been working on it, and I knew if given a little more time…I could show her how much I truly cared, show her the world, make her fall for me. And even if she never loved me the way I loved her, all I wanted was for her to get her life back. She never deserved to die.

“Let’s do this.” Stefan said enthusiastically, reassuring me that no matter what we did to hurt each other, Stefan and I would always be brothers from another mother.

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