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Day - 1

Dear Jessica,

I don't wanna sound creepy.
I'm a little nervous to write this.
I like your smile.

- M

Day - 2

Dear Jessica,

Am I creepy? I hope not.
I am fond of your laugh. Whenever you laugh, it's like a melody to my ears.

- M

Day - 3

Dear Jessica,

I'm sorry, I sound like a stalker but I'm not.
I like your dress today. You look gorgeous.

- M

Day - 4

Dear Jessica,

I saw you yesterday looking at my letter with a smile.
I'm glad that I can make you smile.
Happiness looks good on you. There is always a magic in your smile. Hope you don't loose that spark.

- M

Day - 5

Dear Jessica,

I heard yesterday that you didn't come to classes because of flu.
So, this sweater is a small gift from me to you. It was knit by my grandma. It will make you feel warm.
Take care of your health.

- M

Day - 6

Dear Jessica,

You look so tired today.
I hope you are getting enough rest.
I want to take care of you but I'm shy to come infront of you.

- M

Day - 7

Dear Jessica,

Yesterday I saw you at a party enjoying with your friends.
I'm happy to see that you are having a good time.
Today you didn't look as tired as you were on Friday.

- M

Day - 8

Dear Jessica,

I was really happy that you smiled at me today.
I want to come infront of you but a part of me is saying that you will find me disgusting.
So, I'm backing out.
Anyway, you saw me and that's enough for me.

- M

Day - 9

Dear Jessica,

I know you are curious about me.
I'm giving you a small clue.
I'm a guy.

- M

Day - 10

Dear Jessica,

Yesterday your presentation in our class was impressive.
I love the topic you have chosen.
You are the only one to get full score on the project.
I'm happy for you.

- M

Jessica's POV :

Taking curious steps, I went to my locker only to find another letter.

I have been receiving these cute letters from someone named 'M'.Without even knowing, I'm smiling at this cute person.

I want to know who this person is. The only clue I have is 'M' is a guy.

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