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Hoarding goods in space: struggling to survive in a crisis world

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Chapter 831 Chapter 831

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    Regardless of whether these people are hypocrites, what their conduct is, and what they are now, they will still be nervous when they meet their former teachers.

    "Let me check my presents." Although she disliked other people's hypocrisy, Xi Jing carefully checked the presents to be given to Lao Ban.

    Ye Fu smiled, and lowered his head to check the things in his bag.

    "What did you bring?" Xi Jing asked quietly.

    "I wrote a pair of words myself."

    Xi Jing gave a thumbs up, "You still meet the status of a scholar. I went to Denmark this year, bought some Haipo, and specially selected the most beautiful one to give to her old man." The two were talking, and the class leader brought Teacher Cui in


    Teacher Cui was Ye Fu's class teacher in high school. He is fifty-five years old and has retired.

    Seeing everyone, she was also very excited. The classmates got up and hugged the old class one after another. When it was Ye Fu's turn, she was stunned for a moment, and then stretched out her hand to pinch Ye Fu's face.

    "You child."

    "Old Ban, you haven't seen Ye Fu for almost ten years." Zhang Weiwei said suddenly, and everyone's eyes became subtle.

    After all, Ye Fu, as the most proud student in his old class, not only did not attend class reunions after graduating from senior high school, he didn't even go back to visit his teachers, which is really heartless.

    "It's been many years since I saw you, but I know that you gave me the unsigned bunch of sunflowers on Teacher's Day every year."

    Ye Fu was a little surprised, "You know?" "

    Because you went to the office and secretly gave me a bunch of sunflowers on the day the college entrance examination was over, and I actually saw it. Ye Fu, thank you."

    Ye Fu's face turned red instantly.

    "Thank you for inviting me to your class reunion. It's been ten years, but you still remember me as an old woman." Lao Ban is a very serious teacher. I didn't expect to see her such a sensitive side today.

    In order to celebrate her retirement, everyone contributed money and built a trophy for her.

    At this time, the door of the banquet hall was pushed open, and a tall and handsome man in a suit walked in. He was holding a bouquet of lilies of the valley, and nodded slightly to everyone.

    "Sorry, I'm late."

    "Guo Yi, you're finally here. You've been fined three glasses of wine. The old class is here, but you're half an hour late." The

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