Phase One

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I have finally made it to the Hunter exam site. After stealing the information of where they held it this year I made it to Zaban City. I entered the small restaurant called Gohan.
Upon entering I heard the cook say, " Welcome! Take a seat!" I then asked, "Is the back room available?" The cook questioned, " What are you having?" I gave him the code letting him know that I was here for the hunter exam saying, "The steak combo, please. The one that'll make me see the light. Make it one."

The cook immediately understood and asked the second half of the code, " Combo for one, eh? How do you want 'em cooked?" I grinned and recited the rest of the code, " Grilled slowly over a low flame 'til done, please." The cook then stated, "Got it. See yourself to the back room."

Upon entering I knew this elevator would take me to the hunter exam or as I liked to call it my second chance at a better life. When I entered the exam room a small green man walked up to me and introduced himself as Green Bean and handed me my badge number 323. I had a feeling that I wasn't going to be the final person to enter the exam so I got ready to wait.

The more I waited the more people came filing. I didn't care to talk to anyone until I was approached by a short chubby man with the number 16 tag. I could tell this guy wasn't someone I wanted to converse with he was annoying as hell.

"Hi! My name's Tonpa!" I already hate him. I mentally roll my eyes at his attempt to seem friendly. He went on to say, " Let's have a toast to friendship." I already knew my answer. Even if those drinks weren't poisoned with laxatives I wouldn't be caught dead drinking anything this man would hand me. " Thanks but no thanks I don't take drinks from greasy bastards. Take a hike before I make you." I said with a sneer.

Tonpa sweat-dropped and said, " But don't you want to toast to friendship? People make alliances all the time for the hunter exam." I started to get super fed up with him and rolled my eyes saying, " Even if I was to make an alliance with anyone what makes you think it would be you? Now leave me alone before I fuck you up." I shot him a glare which seemed to do the trick as he left grumbling angrily.

An hour or two passed and then I saw a new group enter. There was something different about this group. They seemed to be newcomers but that isn't what made them stand out. What made them stand out is that they had this aura around them a strong aura. But before I could think about it more Tonpa started to approach them.

Of course, he'd approach them. After they had been talking for a while. I heard a scream from the large crowd near the center of the room. Upon looking over I saw the most peculiar sight. A man's ARMS we're turning into flower petals. I glanced over to the man who seemed to be the culprit of this display. " My~ How unusual~ Seems this poor man's arms have turned into flower petals~ Now you see them, now you don't~" a clown-looking man announced to all the onlookers. " You should be more careful~ And do apologize if you bump into someone~"

Many were terrified by this display of torture. But I became fascinated I wondered how he did it. So I thought what better way to find out than to ask? I strode up to the clown man as everyone gawked at my boldness. The man seemed very amused and intrigued by my walking up to him. He was expecting a fight based on the fierce gaze my e/c eyes held.

Once I came face-to-face ( more like face-to-chest) with him. " HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!?! THAT WAS SO COOL YOU HAVE TO TEACH ME!!!" I exclaimed shocking everyone who was looking our way. The man just smiled ( kinda creepily) and said, "Well~ that's a secret ~my dear~And a good magician never reveals his secrets~" I pouted but he couldn't see that behind my mask.

" Fine, since you seem like a cool guy I think I'll stick with you. What's your name?" He smiled slightly and said, " Hisoka. You seem to be a very ripe fruit~ perhaps I could fight you one day~ you're free to tag along~ but I must inform you I'm here with a friend of mine~ so you will have to stick with him as well~ If you don't mind me asking what's your name~" " I just hope he isn't boring because I detest people who are too basic~ And my names Y/n" I answered. He looked down at me saying, " What a lovely name~ With my friend being boring and basic~ Well it depends ~ what is your definition of boring and basic~"

Before I could answer I heard ringing, and then the 'door' began to open. Revealing a skinny man wearing a suit with purple hair a mustache and no mouth. He then announced to all the Hunter Exam applicants, " I apologize for the delay. Thank you for waiting. The entry period for Hunter applicants is officially closed. So, with no further ado, the Hunter Exam will now begin!" he paused before continuing, " One final word of caution... If you're short on luck or ability, keep in mind that there's a very real chance you could end up seriously injured. Death is another distinct possibility."

Everyone took in his words before he continued once more, "If you're willing to accept the risks involved. I'll ask you to follow me now. But for the rest of you kindly exit through the elevator located behind you. Right, then very well. All 404 applicants will now participate in Phase One." He turned around and started walking though he walked strangely everyone followed leisurely. THIS IS IT THE PATH I MUST TAKE FOR A BETTER LIFE. LET'S GO.

To be continued...

Author: " I'm literally watching it so I don't mess anything up😅"
Hisoka: " Well~ author this being your first story a yandere one at that~ won't follow the storyline~"
Author: " I know that you stupid clown now shut up and just do what you're supposed to do."
Hisoka: " And does that entitle you to tell me what to do~"
Author: " Yes👁👄👁"
Author: Don't worry readers you'll meet illumi/gittarackur soon.

~1,107 words

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