Chapter 14 (1-1)

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"𝑴𝒚 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍, 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍, 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆."


Christmas day it is. The snow falling gracefully from the foggy sky — students and staff cosy in their blankets as they doze from the coldness of the day. Fireplaces stayed flaming throughout the evening — adding a calm crackling noise alongside the blistering wind.

Funny enough, Y/N is up regardless of how it is only half-past five. She also surprised herself — usually, at this kind of time, she would be dozing off in her bed, legs and arms spread apart with messy hair.

She reckons that everyone is still asleep, so she went up to get herself a book from her trunk that she had not gotten a chance of or she was just too lazy to unpack. She sat on the window seat with a book and blanket in hand — ready to be comfortable with a soothing hush.

A few minutes later, she heard a soft knock. she told whoever that is to come in and so on, the door opened — beholding her owl, snake, and wolf. Miles flew to the bedpost — Dawn instantly ran beside her, cuddling under her shoulder — Catalina slithered to her bed and flopped down, her breathing was unstable as if she explored the whole castle.

"Happy Christmas — What happened to you?" She asked whilst caressing Dawn's back fur. "Those two- wouldn't wait for me- ahh, so I have to fasten my usual pace!" Catalina said, still breathing heavily while Miles laughed in a failed prince-like manner.

Y/N not feeling about answering — instead, she hummed, going back to reading her book. Dawn adjusted her head to Y/N's neck — curious about what she was reading.

"Anyway," Catalina said, "Happy Christmas to you too. Now, where are my presents?" Y/N shakes her head, her lips forming into a smile. Her head points to a pile of wrapped gifts that are reserved for the three of them.

Faster than the summer break — the three of them dive straight to the pile, trying to locate the ones that had their names written on the card that was tied to each of the gifts. They have finally found theirs — two gifts for each of them. Not wasting another second, they tore the wrappers harshly, excitedly wanting to see what Y/N had given them for their first Christmas — except for Dawn who's the second time for this winter — together.

As they saw their presents — they excitedly went back to Y/N to hug her. Their presents were what they precisely wished for. They're like Y/N's little children — who tried but failed to behave like kids throughout the year but their mother can't help but melt herself away to buy them what they wanted.

Various thank you's kisses and laughter that they made could be heard outside of the dormitory to the common room. Y/N was gleaming all the way — pleased that they liked what she had given them.

She got Catalina the mattress that can fit her and Dawn in it. But of course, knowing Catalina she wouldn't share and the other one was two big boxes of rare wild berries that can last her for five months.

Miles got a miniature replica of Harry's glasses. He said he needed it for Hedwig to like him more as he can see that she likes Harry so much that he was jealous of him for a week. The second present was actually a present for Hedwig — he begged Y/N for it so much that he went as far as to join her and the twins prank a random student. It was a small scarf that had stitched words in the gold thread saying; Hedwig — Miles' one and only queen.

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