2 - a glimpse of the past

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Under the shade of the old oak tree, Jeno waited nervously, not expecting Jaemin to show up. But there he was, strolling towards Jeno with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Hey," Jaemin greeted, looking hesitant.

Jeno nodded, trying to keep his composure. "Hey."

They settled down on the grass, and an awkward silence stretched between them. Jaemin fidgeted, seemingly unsure of what to say.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Jaemin finally blurted out. "I messed up, and I regret it."

Jeno felt a surge of frustration, his emotions bubbling to the surface. "Sorry doesn't change what you did," he snapped, the words tumbling out before he could stop himself.

Jaemin's eyes widened, taken aback by Jeno's sharp tone. He looked hurt, but Jeno couldn't care about that right now. He had held onto this pain for so long, and it was hard to let go of it.

"You were my best friend," Jeno continued, his voice tinged with bitterness. "And you turned your back on me for no reason. It hurt, Jaemin. It really hurt."

Jaemin's face softened, and he tried to reach out to Jeno, but Jeno pulled away. He couldn't forget how alone he had felt after Jaemin abandoned their friendship.

"I know," Jaemin said softly. "I was stupid, okay? I thought being popular was more important, but it wasn't."

Jeno's anger simmered, but he couldn't dismiss the pain he had endured. "You chose them over me," he muttered, his voice trembling with emotion.

Jaemin looked down, unable to meet Jeno's gaze. "I know I messed up, and I can't change the past," he said, his voice cracking with remorse. "But I want to try, Jeno. I want to be your friend again."

Jeno's heart wavered at the sincerity in Jaemin's words, but he was scared of being hurt again. "I need time, Jaemin. I can't just go back to how things were."

Jaemin nodded, tears glistening in his eyes. "I understand. I'll wait for you, no matter how long it takes."

The vulnerability in Jaemin's voice tugged at Jeno's heart, but he wasn't ready to forgive and forget just yet. The pain of their broken friendship still lingered, leaving scars that needed time to heal.

"I'll think about it," Jeno said, trying to be honest.

As they parted ways, Jeno felt conflicted. A part of him wanted to forgive Jaemin and go back to being friends, but he was scared of being hurt again. He needed to protect himself and take things slowly.

In the days that followed, Jeno couldn't stop thinking about his conversation with Jaemin. Memories of their shared laughter and the warmth of their friendship flooded his mind, but they were intertwined with the hurt and betrayal he had experienced.

As he walked through the halls of the school, Jeno noticed Jaemin looking at him from afar, a mix of hope and trepidation in his eyes. Jeno didn't know what to make of it. He wanted to believe Jaemin had changed, but he couldn't forget the pain of their past.

One afternoon, when the bell rang for the end of the school day, Jeno found himself lingering near the oak tree. He felt a mix of anger and confusion, unsure of what to do about Jaemin.

Jaemin approached him cautiously, his eyes searching Jeno's face for any sign of forgiveness. "Jeno, can we talk?"

Jeno's emotions were still raw, and he couldn't hide his frustration. "What else is there to talk about, Jaemin? You hurt me, and no amount of apologies will change that."

Jaemin took a step closer, his voice pleading. "I know, and I'm so sorry. I wish I could take it all back, but I can't. All I can do now is try to make things right."

Jeno's anger flared, and he couldn't hold back his words. "Look, Jaemin, just leave me alone. I don't know if I can ever forgive you for what you did."

Tears welled up in Jaemin's eyes, but Jeno couldn't bring himself to feel sorry for him. He had been the one to cause all this pain, after all.

"You were my best friend, Jaemin," Jeno continued, his voice cracking with emotion. "And you threw it all away for popularity. I can't just forget that."

Jaemin looked devastated, and a part of Jeno wanted to comfort him, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He was tired of being the one who always got hurt.

"I'm so sorry, Jeno," Jaemin choked out, his voice trembling. "I wish I could change everything, but I can't. All I can do is try to be better, for you and for myself."

As Jaemin walked away, Jeno felt a mix of relief and guilt. He didn't want to hurt Jaemin, but he didn't know if he could ever trust him again.

Weeks passed, and Jeno and Jaemin continued to navigate the awkwardness between them. Jaemin tried to reach out, but Jeno kept his distance, unable to fully forgive him.

But deep down, Jeno knew he still cared for Jaemin. The memories of their friendship were too precious to let go of completely. However, he also knew that healing would take time, and he had to prioritize his own well-being.

As the days turned into weeks, Jeno found himself slowly opening up to Jaemin again. He was cautious, but he couldn't ignore the sincerity in Jaemin's efforts to change.

Their conversations became longer, and Jeno felt a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, they could rebuild their friendship. But it wouldn't be easy, and Jeno knew they had a long way to go.

Under the old oak tree, Jeno and Jaemin sat side by side, the past still lingering between them, but also the glimmer of a possible future. As the sun dipped below the horizon, Jeno allowed himself to consider the idea of forgiveness.

It wouldn't happen overnight, but Jeno was willing to give it a chance. And as he looked at Jaemin, he saw the determination in his eyes to make things right.

Maybe, just maybe, their friendship could bloom once more. But it would take time, patience, and a willingness to confront the past.

And as they both sat there, silently watching the colors of the sky change, Jeno knew that this was just the beginning of their journey—a journey towards healing, forgiveness, and the possibility of rebuilding the bond they once cherished.

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