A Different Wish

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Madoka knew Walpurgisnacht was arriving.

From the moment she was woken up at five in the morning, told that they had to go to her school; the closest evacuation centre. A storm on the horizon far too big for anyone's liking.

Madoka was the only one who knew what the storm really was, aside from the transfer student in her class, both the only ones able to do anything about it before it destroyed Mitakihara, and eventually all of Japan.

The pinkette was ushered along the familiar path she usually took to school, through the impressively strong wind, which kept blowing her hair in her face and pushing her around.

Eventually they reached the school where they were sent to the gym, the largest room in the school, which was now covered in mats, people coming in and steadily filling the room.

Her parents picked a mat and started talking to Tatsuya, joking about sleepovers and camping like they didn't know the severity of the situation.

Madoka sat on the far side, away from her family, while trying to block everyone out; she wished Mami was here, with her tea, cake and warm smile, or the ever cheerful Sayaka, always ready to cheer her up, or even Kyoko, who she wished she'd been allowed to get to know...

You can bring them back. Kyubey's voice startled her, causing her to frown at the mat.

What do you want? she asked, her feelings for him loud and clear as she thought of everything he'd done, and to so many people who'd done nothing to deserve it.

You know she'll never win alone. Kyubey pointed out.

Because you killed everyone she could've fought with? Madoka asked, tone so cold and bitter, even in her head, an emotion originally non-existent for her.

Aren't you going to help her? Kyubey asked, ignoring the 'false' accusation.

Madoka bit her lip, regardless of how she felt, Kyubey did have a point... "Homura..." she breathed, then moved to stand up.

"What's wrong Madoka?" her mother asked.

"Going to the bathroom," she lied.


It didn't take long for her to find Kyubey, sat by the stairs leading to the emergency exit, clearly ready to do whatever's needed to grant her wish at this point.

She leant against the railing by the window, staring out at the trees getting thrown around by the storm, which was only getting worse.

"Is Homura gonna be able to beat it all by herself?" Madoka asked, continuing their conversation as Kyubey jumped on the railing next to her.

"If I told you no, you wouldn't believe me." Kyubey said, staring outside as well with his ever present grin.

"Do you know why she's being so stubborn?" Madoka asked, trying not to let her worry show.

"Because she hasn't given up hope."

Hope... Madoka looked back outside.

"If things don't work out, she'll just start things over again." Kyubey stated, sensing her change in mood. "Giving up isn't an option anymore."

Madoka frowned at him, remembering Homura crying into her shoulder, how broken she'd been...

"The moment she accepts everything is pointless, she'll just become a witch," Kyubey stated, clearly not bothered by that fact. "She knows that, which is why she refuses to give up."

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