In Another Time

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Madoka was a strange girl.

Homura would never tell her, but the pinkette was so strange to her, not in a bad way! But it was as though she could do anything, and she reflected that; not arrogantly like a few people Homura had met, but like she was walking on clouds, head held high and almost glowing.

Mami wasn't that different, she carried herself like a proud mother though, a hen and her chick; Madoka.

The day she met them; on her first day of school, everything made sense to her, the way they acted, spoke and how Homura overheard Madoka's best friend complaining about Madoka never being around anymore.

They were magical girls, Madoka laughed about how un-realistic it sounded; "Like a fairy tale," she'd said, then they got to Mami's apartment and started talking about witches (big, scary monsters that lure people to their deaths), Kyubey (furry white mascot), soul gems (pretty, shiny jewels that turn into jewellery), and the one that admittedly caught Homura's attention; you could have any wish, anything at all, granted.

After what happened with the witch, Madoka insisted on walking her home.

"What's Walpurgis, Miss Kaname?" Homura asked as they crossed the bridge again, this time without getting attacked.

"You can just call me Madoka," the pinkette beamed, well aware it was her second time asking. "And it's a really big witch that'll come here at the end of the month."

"Are you going to fight it?" Homura asked nervously.

"Of course," Madoka folded her arms behind her back. "Kyubey granted my wish, and I'll always be grateful to him for that; even if I die."

Homura's eyes widened in horror. "You could die?!"

Madoka just nodded.

"Is this it?" she asked, nodding ahead of them.

Homura blinked at her house, wondering how Madoka knew she lived here, but just chalked it up to magic; which she had a feeling she was going to have to get used to.

"Do you want to come in?" Homura asked hesitantly.

Madoka smiled, but shook her head.

"I have to go home, or I'll get in trouble." she beamed, not really bothered by the fact, and turned to leave.

"Ah! Wait," Homura cried.

Madoka turned curiously.

"Th-Thanks for saving me, and, um, I-I'll see you at school tomorrow?" Homura stuttered.

Madoka giggled. "Yep! And you're welcome Homura."

The pinkette waved and ran off, preventing Homura from starting a proper conversation, despite both wanting to spend more time together.

Homura heaved a sigh, wondering what she was getting herself into.


Madoka had wished to save a cat; Homura wasn't make fun of her! But after learning Mami's similar wish, it had just been... unexpected.

Amy was really sweet, and clearly made Madoka happy, even the emotionless Kyubey softened when Madoka was with the black cat.

"Kyubey," Homura said, both watching Madoka talk to Amy, the cat meowing every so often, as though trying to speak to the rambling magical girl. "Can I be a magical girl too?"

Kyubey stared up at her curiously. "Do you have a wish?"

"...No," Homura drooped. "But if I did have one?"

"Yes," Kyubey's eyes glowed. "I sense a lot of potential from you, Homura Akemi."

Homura's eyes widened, she didn't know what that meant, but from the way Kyubey said it, assumed it must've been a good thing.

Kyubey's smile widened, knowing she didn't quite understand, but with Walpurgis only weeks away...

"I'll come up with a wish," Homura promised with newfound confidence. "Then I can fight with Miss Kaname and Miss Tomoe."

Kyubey nodded, more than ready to grant her wish when she thought of one. Hopefully before Walpurgis arrives. the alien thought, watching Homura join Madoka and Amy.


Mami was dead.

The weeks had passed, Walpurgisnacht arriving in Mitakihara, and Homura hadn't been able to think of a wish.

She wondered if Mami would've survived if she thought of a wish, even something small like; "I wish to be a magical girl," which must have been used before.

Madoka didn't say what happened to Mami as she pulled herself together and got ready to finish the witch; telling Homura she hadn't regretted anything, obviously knowing she was about to die.

Sure enough, Homura and Kyubey found her dead, the dark haired girl crying over her like she had with Mami.

"I want you back...!" Homura cried.

"Is that really what you want, Homura Akemi?" Kyubey asked, sensing a golden opportunity. "Would you trade your life to have a wish like that come true? If it's something you want badly enough, then I can help you."

Homura looked up at Kyubey sat on the rubble, realising the situation she was in, she could prevent all this if she wanted. "If I make a contract with you, you'd really grant me any wish?"

"Absolutely, you have more than enough potential," Homura still didn't know what that meant, but neither did she care, at least right now. "So tell me, what is the one wish you'd have that would make your soul gem shine?"

Homura stared down at Madoka, then dried her eyes and stood up.

"I... I wish Walpurgis never came to Mitakihara," Homura frowned, realising the selfishness of that wish; it could just go elsewhere and even more people would die. "No, I wish it never even existed!"

Kyubey looked like he'd just been slapped, shock all over the apparent apathetic creature's face, but he obediently granted her wish; changing history, and altering memories for all except two people.


"Are you okay Homura?" the newly contracted pinkette asked, approaching her worriedly.

"What just happened?" Homura covered her face with one hand as she felt her very memories change.

"My wish changed yours, so history is changing too." Madoka glanced at Kyubey, who nodded in confirmation.

"Will I forget everything?" Homura asked worriedly.

"No, your new wish will allow you to remember everything," Kyubey explained. "Your new magic allows you to alter or erase events."

Homura's eyes widened, watching her shield fade away.

"Please be careful." Madoka begged.

"Madoka... Of course I will." Homura promised, taking both the pinkette's hands.

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