A Wish to Live

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A/N :- Kimi and Aika are names I made up for the two girls from Portable: Mami's Route, and The Different Story Mami spent time with at school.

Also major spoilers for both the game and book.

I might end up rewriting this chapter since I binge wrote it last night and didn't look it over due to how late I finished, no promises though.

"Good morning," Mami greeted her friends.

"Morning!" one of her friends, Kimi, returned.

"Good morning~!" her other friend, Aika crowed, waving like Mami was standing a mile away.

"G-Good morning," Mami repeated, smiling hesitantly.

The three girls began walking to school, going through the park they met in every morning; along the path that cut straight to their school, and was used by a lot of students.

"Hey, did you do your maths homework?" Kimi asked.

"No! I forgot..." Aika whined, though she couldn't help grinning, likely having been distracted by something she considered to be more important.

"I finished it," Mami offered, knowing her friends would ask to copy it, like they regularly did.

"That's what I'm talking about! Please let me see it!" Aika begged, clapping her hands together with, admittedly impressive in Mami's opinion, puppy dog eyes.

"Me too!" Kimi added, having at least done some of hers.

Mami just smiled. "Of course."

Aika cheered, while Kimi just thanked her.

"Hm?" Mami frowned, noticing two girls walking past.

"Is something wrong?" Kimi asked.

"I just thought someone was watching us," Mami admitted, noticing the girls peek back at them, though they seemed to be focused on her for some reason.

"Maybe it's some of the boys in class?" Aika teased.

"She is really popular," Kimi agreed, also noticing the two girls.

She eyed Mami, but didn't say anything as they kept peeking back at her, Kimi just glaring at the two.

"We're onto you~!" Aika teased, wiggling her fingers at Mami with a mischievous grin, oblivious to Kimi and the dark haired girl glaring daggers at each other.

"Oh, come on..." Mami sighed, meant differently for each girl; Aika to stop teasing her, and Kimi to stop glaring at the dark haired girl. "You wanted to see my homework, right?"

"Oh, yeah!" Aika cried, her teasing look turning into excitement as the school came into view.

"Kimi..." Mami said, the other girl still staring down the dark haired girl, who'd since walked off with her pinkette friend into the school.

Kimi glanced at her, still looking suspicious, and slightly annoyed, but nodded, willing to let it go... for now.


"Homura, stop staring at them," Madoka ordered.

"Her classmate is staring at us," Homura pointed out.

Madoka peeked over at the three girls, one being Mami, and noticed the taller of the remaining pair was staring at them, though she seemed to be more focused on Homura.

"Stop staring at them then," Madoka repeated.

"I can't help it," Homura sighed as they reached the school, not that they could go in despite being in uniform. "I've never gone this far back in time."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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