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(chapter 15)

Vinny yawned, blinking his eyes open. It was still dark in his bedroom, likely still pretty early in the morning, earlier than he was used to waking up, even, but he was wide awake. Way too awake. His heart was fluttering in his chest, and he couldn't figure out why.

He squeaked when something tightened around his waist and pulled him back, a solid warmth pressing close against his back. Owen's chest vibrated with suppressed laughter, warm breath tickling at his neck. Whining softly, Vinny shifted away from him to bury his face in his pillow. A warm weight settled in his hair, and he found himself melting into his blankets. He wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, but he found himself feeling boneless in his bed, warm and comfortable.

Owen's hand smoothed down his back, the pressure barely there through the layers of Vinny's clothing and his blanket. "Let's do something today," Owen said, shifting around to press against Vinny's back once again, arm back around his waist.

"Like what?" His voice was muffled by his pillow, but he couldn't find it in himself to even shift his head to the side.

"If today's weather is as nice as it was yesterday, how about a trip to the park?"

"That sounds nice," Vinny said. Then, he groaned. "I have work."

"Call out."

Vinny hummed, pretending to think it over for a moment. He didn't need to think it over, really, he was all in the moment Owen made the suggestion. He couldn't contain his giggle when he turned to look at the other man. He had such a hopeful expression, eyes wide, almost like he just might start begging. "Sounds like a plan," he murmured, fingers brushing over the soft tanned cheeks just a few inches from him. Well, they weren't that soft. There was a shadowing of hair on Owen's jaw that prickled Vinny's fingertips, but he didn't care, cupping his face with his palm and sliding his thumb over Owen's cheekbone. There, the skin was soft, and the pad of his thumb tingled with the soft glide.

Owen's eyes fluttered closed at Vinny's touch, smile present. A dimple taunted Vinny, and he did nothing to stop the impulse to lean forward and press his lips against the small indentation. Pulling away just as fast, Vinny jumped from bed and ran to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

It didn't take the two very long to get ready, and it took even less time for Vinny to message Roe about having the day off (she said yes, she had someone new coming in to work, anyways). Before he knew it, Vinny was walking hand-in-hand with Owen, passing through the park entrance. The sun had just started to rise, hanging just barely as high as the trees scattered about. The city was still quiet, and Vinny breathed it all in. The only thing that could have made that moment better was a yummy coffee-based drink.

Vinny was pouting–he knew he was, and it was further confirmed when Owen lightly elbowed him in the side. Vinny shrunk away with a small giggle, hands coming up to fend off Owen's following teasing fingers. "Why the pout, cutie?" he asked, arm settling around Vinny to pull him closer by his shoulders.

"I want coffee," he mumbled, head falling back against Owen's shoulder as he groaned.

Owen chuckled, squeezing Vinny closer for a moment before releasing him entirely. His hand slid across his back and down his arm to link their fingers together. "Come on," he said. "There's a place somewhere in this park that sells coffee during the warmer months. They should be open by now."

The grin that grew on Vinny's face was huge, hurting his cheeks, and he couldn't contain his happy squeal, either. Whether it was from the mention of getting coffee or because Owen was holding his hand, he wasn't sure. All he knew was that he was practically skipping as he followed Owen along a path through the park.

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