The Back Seat

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Author Notes:

Hi, hi so I'll have to do some explaining about a few things:

- Ventus, Vanitas, Sora, and Roxas are quadruplets. Ventus is the oldest, and Roxas is the youngest.
- Everyone from the main cast is in one big friend group
- You guys are in high school, ages 15-16, and also reader goes by she/her

- Have fun reading <3


"Everyone, I'd like you all to give [Name] here a big old friendly greeting," only one or two people were smiling, and the rest of the class gave a tired groan which was honestly fair. "Alrighty then, kiddo," The strangely eccentric (to a scary degree) teacher pointed to an empty seat at the back of the class on the rightmost side, just by the window, "You can sit over there and feel lucky,"

Oh boy, did you feel lucky.

But there went all your luck for the year.

The back row of any classroom was a child's ultimate chaos dream paradise. Was that stuffy old English teacher asking random questions about that cursed summer reading assignment you'd forgotten ages ago? For some reason, you've always associated the back row with that one place magically left untouched by those sudden, scary questions that you had absolutely 0 answers to, it was always the middle row and the row behind that but rarely in your lifetime had it been the back row. On the off chance that someone did get called, which was like ten (?) times a year, you could just pull out your phone, open Google, and type your way to salvation. Or you could just mouth some random words and pray the teacher didn't hear it but just presumed it was the correct answer. It was a blessing.

A blessing you'd never had the luxury of gracing.

There weren't a lot of blessings that you ever had the luxury of gracing anyways.

Lady Luck was a cruel mistress.

But finally, after all those torturous years of squeaking by math class and praying to whatever cosmic deity controlling your fate, you'd lucked out.

Which naturally means the rest of your year is going to be absolute shit.

You walked your way past your very clearly sleep-deprived classmates. Along the way, you spotted a spiky brown-haired kid who was one of the only people from earlier who seemed at least a little bit excited by the notion of a new classmate, giving you an eager smile like he was a child the night before Christmas. He MIGHT have waved at you but what were the chances it was directed at you? So you just awkwardly wiggled your hand a bit before walking at a faster pace.

You got to your seat and settled down as quietly as possible. You took a moment to scan your lane mates and the people in front of you as sunshine annoyingly shone straight in your face. So much for luck. In front of you was a girl with black hair and a short bob cut, fiddling around with her pen, clearly not paying attention to anything but an angelic blonde girl who was sketching something in her notebook, 2 rows over. If you thought your classmates were sleep deprived, then more so was the blonde on your left, a boy this time, and he was fast asleep, his head buried in his arms on the table, probably dreaming of better times and better places. Then in front of him was an identical blonde boy who, guessing by the grumpy, disheveled look on his face, probably had to handle the trauma of waking up in the morning again. You blinked once, twice, thrice, to make sure you weren't hallucinating one of the 2 boys. But they were still there, still in the same position. Maybe you weren't seeing someone. Maybe. You blinked one more time at them before you noticed the crabby identical boy who kind of reminded you of an angry cat for a moment, giving you an unwelcoming stink eye. You immediately darted your eyes to your desk, looking at some ancient scratch marks on it like you were the first scientist who found the cure for the common cold. Except the closer you looked at it, the more it looked like a middle finger.

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