Welcome to Domino City - A Prideful Confrontation

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A/N: Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of RWBY: The Duelist Experience! Previously, Beacon's favorite headmaster and combat teacher have followed in their student's footstep and finally become a Duelist themself. What's more, Konami had just revealed to his friends that he will be going on journey around Remnant, but not before giving them a little journey on their own.

So yeah, how's everybody doing? Four months without any update on the story. I wanted to say I'll try to quicken my update on this story, but realistically that is unlikely since I'm too busy with my college work. Still, it does feel good to finally bring this newest chapter to all of you.

Speaking of this chapter, you can already tell from the first part of this chapter title alone what this is about. That's right, it's finally time I made do with my promise on making this story a true crossover with Yugioh anime! The Remnantians is finally going to DM Dimension capital city, Domino City. Where the slogan is 'If this city is called Domino City, you think it's main attraction is a giant Domino.'

...ignore that joke if you like, it's clear to me I am not up to make good joke. Probably why I can write Yang's pun joke so well.

But anyway, this chapter won't be going in deep on their activity in Domino City, mainly just their brief introduction to the city before we go in more of their activity in the later chapter. They are also going to meet many of Konami's friend here in the Duel Monster dimension, let's see if the title alone can clue you in on who will appear in this chapter.

There is more that I wanted to say but I will leave it at the end of the chapter. Now without further ado. let's get on with the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or Yu-Gi-Oh, they belong to Rooster Teeth and Konami respectively.


Another new day had come for Remnant, and It was a very nice day as well. The sun is shining, the sky is clear blue with few clouds drifting about, a gentle breeze of wind has blown the grass and made it rustle almost rhythmically, and all of those textbook descriptions of a 'Perfect Day' that people always fantasize about.

Yes, It was on a day such as this that made you just want to go outside and lie down on the soft grass, gazing up to the sky and watch the clouds drifting while feeling the cool wind and warm sun. Thanking mother nature for blessing us with such a wonderful gift of nature.

Something that a certain eight individuals will NOT do in the slightest as they have more important things to do. Sorry mother nature, you can find someone else to appreciate your effort.

"Ruby, can you please calm down?" Weiss asked her partner as she looked towards the red hooded girl walking beside her, said girl was visibly vibrating in excitement with a large grin on her face.

After Konami had told them that he was going to invite them all to his home dimension before he went on his journey, to say they were excited would be an understatement. Even when they had finished their dinner, the group was so looking forward to today that some of them had a bit of trouble sleeping that night. Though when the morning comes and as they prepared themselves, they look as energized as ever.

"How can I just calm down, Weiss?! Konami just invited us to a different dimension!" Ruby practically screamed in excitement at the chance of actually going to an entirely different dimension, it was one of her dreams after all. Yes, all three days' worth of it.

"Yeah! Aren't you excited as well, Weiss? We can actually see what another dimension looks like!" Yang said as she shared her sister's excitement at traveling to another world then her own, surely beats staying around Beacon doing nothing.

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