Chapter Two

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Happy reading! This one might be a bit more fast paced but I reallyyyy wanted to bring the Bots' back.


Koda was looking through the shop's records. Something about Ron who came in a few days ago, gave her a strange feeling. No one comes into a shop, buys parts and then buys tires meant for a... "Peterbilt." Koda stated, her eyes read over the small description for the tire type.

A moment later Dan poked his head into the main office, "What are you sayin' about a Peterbilt?" He asked rather loudly. He was wearing a pair of earplugs and holding a grinder.

Koda merely waved it off, though Dan squinted his eyes and slowly moved back into the shop.

The woman rolled her eyes and turned back to the computer. After more investigation she found that the parts Ron had bought were meant for a variety of vehicles.

"This doesn't make any sense...Why would he buy parts for different vehicles along with big ass tires?" Koda hummed to no one.

Just by pure luck though, one of the younger male's walked up to the desk, "Whatcha humming about darlin?" He asked, making his voice sound all pretty.

Koda closed her eyes for a moment, "Go away Alex."

"Aww come on, I didn't even get to ask you my question!" The man groaned. His fist softly slammed down onto the front desk, "Why can't I just ask you out? A pretty girl like you deserves a big strong man."

"Get out of my space," The woman growled. She slid her right hand under the desk and quietly grabbed the wrench that was used for...certain purposes. Holding it tightly she glared at Alex. He smirked before walking off.

"You'll be coming after me Dear,"


"Don't ever call me that!" Koda's voice rose slightly. A mere few centimeters from the man's head, the wrench was stuck in the wall. He looked back at Koda fearfully for a second, he then ran into the garage.

"Wow I haven't seen a wrench being thrown like that since Doc went after Jackie for breaking his frame welder!"

Koda froze and looked at the front door. There stood Ron and another, younger male. He was wearing nearly the same thing as Ron, aside from the leather jacket. And his shirt was a light gray. His hair was a light brown and a mask covered his mouth. Again as Koda inspected him she noticed his strange blue eyes.

Ron walked up to the front desk and leaned against it, "Hi," He greeted, rather bluntly.

Koda shook her head and looked at the man, "Hello...Who is your friend?" She gestured to the younger man who was looking at the parts in the room. Specifically the radios.

"Ah, that's Bryce. He needs a new music player for his...vehicle. I might've accidentally broken it," Ron explained.

"Accidentally my aft...I've had that radio for more than eleven years!" A barely audible whisper came from Be-Bryce. Only Ron could hear what the younger male said, thankfully.

"Oh, I see. Well I suggest the Autosound. Those things always seem to work the best," Koda spoke up. She rolled out from behind the desk and came up beside Bryce, her hands grazed her the many boxes till it reached the desired one. She grabbed it and felt something on her arm. Quickly she looked over to see Bryce fixing her sleeve.

He smiled apologetically. Koda just set the box in his hands and watched his apologetic smile fade into a joy filled one. Then he pointed outside and then pointed to the box.

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