Chapter Nine

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Happy reading guys!!!
Sunsets are so beautiful. One of the things that I look forward to everyday!


"So, it's two against however many Insecticons, Tarn and a crazy scientist. What's the plan chief?" Wheeljack asked as he peeked over a boulder that was on a rocky cliff. He observed the Insecticons bringing out different types of material. He took note that Cybertronian alloy was within the wide variety of items that the bugs were carrying.

Aries rubbed her temples, and sighed, "I'm not sure. Maybe we wait things out a bit, it's about an hour till sunset. We could use the night as our cover and sneak in..."

Wheeljack rolled his optics, "What is it with every single commander wanting to wait?!"

"Maybe we want to at least survive the mission and go back to those we love. Were waiting till nightfall, that's an order," Aries glared at the mech beside her.

She shook her helm and turned back to the massive entrance where Insecticons were entering. Hauling out more Kaiju blood as well as some Cybertronian alloy. Which confused her slightly. After further inspection she found that they were also carrying out some parts. They were bringing it to a small ship.

Looking over at Wheeljack she saw that he was observing the chemicals that were being carried to the ship. As well as the Kaiju blood.

"What are you up to..." The femme hummed quietly.


"Such an interesting state you are in. Powerless against me," Tarn smirked under his mask. He looked at the newly captured Autobots before returning his gaze back to Optimus, "I see that not all of your Autobots are here. A rescue team perhaps? Well, Scorponok will be sure to take care of them if they try anything."

Ironhide growled as he yanked at his chains, trying to break free but was failing, "If you have something to say fraghead, then get it over with!"

The dark mech turned to Ironhide, "Your a resilient one. Just know, the more you fight back," Tarn forced his digits into Optimus' side, smirking as he felt the warm Energon coat his digits. The glowing lifeblood began seeping out, "The more pain your leader will go through. As well as yourselves of course, but this one has the answer to everything."

Aside from Ironhide the Autobots kept their intake shut. Bumblebee was furious but did as told. how he wanted to tear Tarn apart...

Slowly the deep purple, almost black mech pulled his digits out of the Primes side. Frowning when he didn't get any sound of pain. How he wanted to hear the Autobot leader beg for mercy. He would find a way...he always did... Wiping his servo off on Brainstorms shoulder he looked at all of the Cybertronians in front of him, "Regardless I have some explaining to do. I've been searching this universe for some time, hoping to find any trace of my teacher and lord, Megatron. When I stumbled upon the Nemesis my Spark lit up. You see, we always had this idea. With the Omega Lock that is. Of course we would restore Cybertron to it's full glory and deem all Autobots criminals. Take over the world, the usuall evil stuff."

"Get to the point Ta–" Optimus was cut off as Tarn roughly grabbed his neck. Squeezing it tightly as he glared at the Prime.

"One thing...I don't like being interrupted. Now, how about you shut up unless you want your voice box torn out." After a silent moment the dark mech released Optimus' neck. Again Tarn was frustrated since he didn't get a grunt or pained vent. He patted the side of the red and blue mech's helm, "Very good.  After that Megatron was going to stop fighting. But I had a better idea, cyberform worlds and take control of them! Brilliant isn't it? Anyways, after finding out that our lord had landed here I followed his trail from Cybertron to this planet. With the help of Kockout I was able to once again work alongside my master. But not before I was thrown into that freezing arctic. A little while after I reemerged from stasis I hunted down the Nemesis. Soon enough I found it. Sailing past a planet in this solar system. After taking the ship I had an idea....Now, Brainstorm, I will let you explain the rest."

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