Chapter Five: Resurrection of Darkness

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A tall, silver haired woman stood in a dimly lit room. Before her, an altar sat, a gleaming golden lamp sitting upon the shining stone surface. Behind her, obscured by shadow, Alberon Dracul stood, monitoring his mother's progress.

"Mother, is it truly wise to bring him back, using the Djinn's magic?" He asked, stepping up to his mother, who began rubbing the lamp. "History tells us that she's extremely crafty, and malevolent."

Raigan looked at her eldest son, her crimson eyes fixated in his. "I have had a vision of the future, my child." She said, smiling a fanged smile. "We win, and with Caius alive, we rule this kingdom. Loki is just a means to an end."

"Is that really what you think of me, Mother?" A sarcastic feminine voice asked, from the altar. Looking up, Raigan found a red, scantily clad Djinn floating above the lamp, her purple hair billowing. "And I thought you loved me."

"Loki, it's been quite some time." Raigan said, hugging the Djinn. "How are you, daughter?" Alberon quickly looked from his mother, to the Djinn, and back again.

"Glad to be free again, Mother." Loki said, smirking. She then noticed Alberon. "Hello Little Brother." She then saw the confusion grow on his face, and began giggling.

"Loki is my eldest child, older then even you, Alberon." Raigan explained. "But she fell deathly ill. To save her, and her special wish granting abilities, by sealing her within the Lamp of Syran."

"Mother first gave my lamp to the alchemist, Threngar Silverlance, who used his three wishes to build a powerful weapon, that could harness all six original Elemental powers." Loki told her brother her story. "Then the Lamp's safety measures hid me away. For a thousand years, I've waited for Mother to find me again."

"I have a wish for you, dearest Loki." Raigan said, pointing at the altar. "My only wish is that you resurrect your youngest brother, Caius. Bring him back, here and now."

"I take it we had a vision, Mother?" The Vampiric Djinn asked. As her mother nodded, she cracked her knuckles. "Why only use one wish, Mother? Why wouldn't you use the rest to ensure your vision comes true?"

"If I use all three wishes, then I lose my precious daughter again." Raigan smiled, her crimson eyes meeting Loki's. "When the future is set in stone, we will rule as a family, all powerful, and undying."

"Then make your wish, Mother dearest." The mischievous Djinn said, smirking. Raigan looked at her daughter, knowing what words to say, to avoid unexpected circumstances.

"Loki, I wish for you to bring Caius back from the Netherworld. Bring him back as he was before Silver killed him." Raigan said, her fanged smile gleaming. "Do this for me, and we rule this world."

Loki's eyes began to glow a bright red. "If that is your wish, so shall it be." She said, holding her hands over the altar. Before their very eyes, flesh and bone began materializing on the altar.

Raigan watched, as her son was brought back before her. She then noticed that by asking Loki to bring him back from before his death, he had his disfigured, Vampiric face. His smile stretching all the way to his ears, as if his mouth had been cut open. She also noticed that, other then being covered by a blanket from the waist down, he was brought back naked.

Caius' eyes open wide, their jet black sclera shimmering, his blood red irises gleaming. Looking at his mother, brother, and Djinn sister, his mouth curled into a wicked smile. "Mother, I trust you have a good reason for bringing me back."

"I have seen the future, Caius." Raigan said, helping her youngest son sit up. "We win, the Elemental Masters fall, and we rule with an iron fist." Caius was then handed a black bundle. "Get dressed my boy." She said, turning her back to him. "We have a lot to do."

As the Vampire Prince dressed himself, the Mother of all Vampires held her head. She saw sixteen years into the future. She watched, as a black and purple haired girl disappeared, the Unwinding Clock in her hand.

"Mother, what's wrong?" Caius asked, being helped off the altar by Loki. "What did you see?" Raigan turned to face her children, a look of anger in her face.

"The daughter of fire has come back to the past, to stop our victory from happening." She stated. "Do you have any idea what this means for us?" She then saw Caius grinning, his fangs sparkling in the dim light.

"Why yes, Mother." He said, licking his lips. "It means, and I mean this quite literally, it's feeding time."

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