Chapter Eleven : Friends from His Past

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Two cloaked figures entered the building. The youngest was in awe. She had never seen a tavern like this before in her life. It had everything one could imagine, from scavengers and rogues, potions lining the walls, maps to anywhere rolled up on shelves, and keys to every door hanging from pegs.

"Ah hello travellers, welcome to Clancy's Tavern." A sultry voice came from a man behind the bar. "My name is Clancy. How can I help you today?" The first figure removed his cloak's hood, and flipped his long hair out.

"Clancy, it's been too long." Silver said, meeting the man's sultry tone. "How is everything going, my friend? Keeping busy, I trust?" Clancy smiled at the man before him, not yet addressing the other hooded figure.

"Your Majesty, I wasn't expecting you in today." Clancy replied. "What can I get you? Some Dragonfire Whiskey, perhaps? I just opened a new barrel." Silver shook his head. "Or maybe you're here because you need my help."

"Last time I came to you, I needed clothes." Silver stated, sitting at the bar. His companion sat on the stool next to him. "I'm afraid what I need now is even more dire." Clancy chuckled.

"I remember that time vividly, my friend." He said, opening a book. "If my memory is correct, you died, came back, got your powers back, and needed clothes, and a new pair of glasses. The Horned Mask ones I believe." Silver chuckled in agreement. "What can I help you with this time?"

"Vampires, Clancy." Silver explained. "Caius has returned, and his psychotic Vampire Queen of a Mother has started a war between us, and her Legions of the Undead." Clancy went from checking his book, to cleaning a glass.

"Ah yes, Mother Raigan." He smiled at his friend. "As I'm sure you're aware, the only item that can slay her is the Legendary Blood Cross, crafted by Wizards of old for King Harold Lancaster. I regret to inform you that I do not have the weapon you seek."

"But you do have a mass quantity of materials." Silver said, standing. "That can augment my soldiers weapons and armour, helping them against her forces." Clancy slid his book across the bar to the King, then returned to the glass.

"Everything you require is downstairs, my friend." The sultry barkeep said, setting the glass down. "Please, by all means, take a look." Silver stood up, and went to a door. Opening it, he descended down a set of stairs into nothingness.

"And who might you be?" Clancy asked the shorter hooded figure. He watched as they took their hood down, revealing a black and purple haired girl. "I've met so many of Silver's companions, and yet I've never met you."

"My name is Melody Drachma." The teen said, still looking around in awe. Clancy chuckled a bit, watching this girl he'd never met looking around.

"Well Melody, if you're a Drachma, then you're always welcome here." Clancy grabbed a glass from the rack. "So what's your relation to my friend downstairs?" He poured a glass of mulled wine, and took a sip.

"He's my father." She said, uneasily. The barkeep spit his wine out into the sink in front of him. The pyromancer recoiled, expecting him to accuse her of lying. But he didn't. Instead, he poured her a drink, crimson in colour. She took a sip, and recoiled. Her throat semi-on-fire, she looked at the man. "What was that?"

"Dragonfire Whiskey." Clancy said, smiling, taking a sip of his own drink. The man looked the teen in the eye, as she took another sip, finding it bearable this time.

"Now then, either you're lying about who you are." He continued, a smile still in his face. The teen had expected this. "Considering you look about sixteen years old." He finished his drink. "Or maybe perhaps, you found the Unwinding Clock in the future, and came back here."

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