Chapter 1

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In a distant land, far from your normal earth. A world of normal humans like you and me, but one thing that is different is that these humans have the ability to turn into an animal of there repected family on command. But for a long time a little amount of people are able to do this, they tried and tried, but couldn't. That's when they brang 11 familes together. The Loins, Cheetahs, Wolves, Foxes, Tigers, Polar Bears, Bats, Skunks, Scopions, Deers, and Mice. They lead them to see past their differances and they became the 11 leaders of the world. Protecting everyone from threats set to destory them. Even when a powerful family known as the Black Panthers set off to destory them and become the leaders. Believing if they were the leaders, they could bring peace and prosperity to the world. The 11 leaders disagreed and defeated them in battle and cast them out to very far lands of the world. Each generation heard the stories about the great battle that took place and now a new generation might take on the Black Panters to save the world.

Somewhere in the middle of the 11 leaders territories. Two leaders of the none magic shape shifting powers. They were known as Lynn and Rita Loud. They both might not have had powers like others, but it didn't stop them from being the ones helping the 11 leaders protect the land. After getting married, they wanted kids. It was their dream to have a big family, but right after baby number one. A prophecy was given to them about the rest of the kids they planned to have.
"You two know you'll do anything to keep this world safe by helping the 11 leaders right?" The Prophecy teller asked,
Both of them nodded.
"Then to furfill your duty, you must give up you kid, even the ones you plan to have. You must give them to the each one of the 11 leaders. I asure you, they will take care of them, and raise them to be powerful warriors." They Prohecy teller said,
"But why, why must we?" Rita asked,
"I sense great power in your daughter and in your future kids. They have the ability to turn into a repected animal Lion, Cheetah, Wolf, Fox, Tiger, Polar Bear, Bat, Skunk, Scopion, Deer, and Mouse. You must give your first child to the leader of the Lions. Then your second child to the leader of the Cheetahs, and so on and so forth." The Prophecy teller told them.
Lynn and Rita looked at each other. Then looked back at the Prophecy teller.
"Alright, will do it. But can we name our kids?" Rita asked,
"You have the right to name them." The Prophecy teller said,
They were happy, they got to name them.
"The leader of the Lions will be here soon to take your daughter. Please consider the Prophecy and just so you know, you'll see her again someday." The Prophecy teller said, then they vanished.
Lynn and Rita just waited for the leader of the Lions, by speading their last moments with their daughter before they said goodbye. After a couple minutes, the leader of the Lions walked up.
"Good day Lennox, how have you been? How's your wife?" Rita said,
"I've been good Rita. Loretta has been doing good as well." He said,
"Good to hear." Rita said,
"I heard you had a baby for me to adopt, a girl. If I'm not mistaken." He said,
"You're right on the money Lennox." Rita said,
"Can I see her?" He asked,
Rita let Lennox see her daughter. He smiled and took her from Rita's arms.
"Don't worry, she's in good hands. Loretta will be happy to have her first kid. Anyway does she have a name?" Lennox asked,
"Yes, indeed. Her name is Lori." Rita said,
"What a pretty name, well, see you another day." Lennox said,
He gave a little bow, Rita nodded. He stopped and walked away from them with Lori in his arms. That was their first kid and they gave her away due to furfill a prophecy. It was the right thing to do none the least. A year later, they had another kid, it was a girl again. They named her Leni. The leader of the Cheetahs heard about this and it was his turn to take a kid.
"Good day, Ekon, how have you been?" Rita asked,
"Well, I'm still completely blind, but I'm doing pretty good. Also as I heard you have baby for me?" He asked,
"Yes, here she is." Rita said,
Ekon, let out his hand to feel where she was. Once he found her, he took her in his arms.
"We can asure you, you are cut out for this?" Rita asked,
"Yeah, don't sweat it. I'll get help." He said,
"Good, anyway her name is Leni." Rita said,
"Thanks for letting me know. Good day to you Rita and Lynn Loud." He said,
Then turned around and walked away. There goes their second kid, it hurt a little more the second time, but they had to let all their kids go for the Prophecy. Another year past, on to their third kid another girl. Can't believe it. They named this one Luna. The leader of the Wolves arrived pretty fast.
"Hello Ellis, you doing ok? How's Bear doing?" Rita asked,
"I'm doing alright, and Bear is too. Anyway I'm here to adopt your third kid." She said,
"Oh, yeah, here you are. Her name is Luna by the way." Rita said, handing Luna to her.
"Good to know, see you two later." Ellis said, as she turned and walked away.
And now their third kid. But this wasn't the time to be sad. Also this was for the greater good. The next year they had another girl, that was wild. They decided that Luan would be her name. The leader of the Foxes was next, she was never late and came right on time.
"Morning, Rena." Rita said,
"Morning Rita, I'm here to pick up your next kid." She said,
"Oh, yeah, here." Rita said, handing Luan to her.
"What's her name?" She asked,
"Luan." Rita said,
Rena smiled and walked away. Again feeling guilty, but sucked it up. One more year past and now their fifth kid. Guess what it was another girl. They had a little bit hard time naming this one. They always wanted a boy and since they haven't had one. They just decided to name her Lynn after her father. The leader of the Tigers was heading over soon. Once he came they just gave some smiles. He took her and Rita told him, her name. Then thanked them and left. Rita and Lynn decided to take a two year break before having another kid. Once they did, it wasn't a girl like the last two times. This time it was a boy, but one thing stood out, he had white hair. They thought it wasn't something to worry about. They named him Lincoln, and just like the last five times. The leader of the Polar Bears came and took him. Three years and another child was born. Another girl, how crazy. They named her Lucy and the Leader of the Bats came and went with her. Two years later they had twins it was a such a surprising moment. They named them Lana and Lola. The leader of the Skunks and Scopions both came and took them to their seperate places. Another two years past and they had their second to last kid. After this and another one, they won't have to have anymore. I mean they wanted a big family, but not as big as this. But they were doing this for a great cause. They named this one Lisa. The leader of the Deers was the second to last person. He came, had some small talk and then left. They were ready for their last kid, they had her three years later and named her Lily. The leader of the Mice came. He was young, but they just had this kid, it was ok. They gave their last kid to him and he left with her. And now since all their 11 kids were in different areas it was only a matter of time before the Prophecy came true. They just needed to wait a see.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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