The Royal Dinner

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 I took a deep breath as I straightened up my hair put into a curled bun. Dressing up for a royal dinner is not always a pleasure when it comes to being the only princess of your kingdom. 

"Stop stressing sister, you look very beautiful tonight." Turning around I notice my brother Aeyrn, walking towards me. I smile and give his arm a squeeze, he is dressed in the colors of our kingdom. Blue and Black, to match our father.

 "You look very well dressed tonight Aeyrn, is Nydia coming soon?" He laughed at my eagerness knowing his new wife was like a sister to me. 

"Yes Aurora, she wouldn't miss a chance to see you" he smiled and went to find our father.

"Aurora, were you talking about me?" my brother's wife laughed as she gave me a hug. "You know that I wouldn't be attending if you weren't there to help guide me" I squeezed her hand tightly. She smiled at me with encouragement. 

"Don't worry you will do great, after all this dinner is mainly for your birthday coming soon." As she walked away, I could feel fire burning in the bottom of my belly, fear of knowing my 18th birthday was coming soon. Mom should have been here but she died when I was born.

With the fear settling in my stomach, I looked up as my father and my other two brothers walked in. My father smiled at me, and i attempted to smile back and not show any fear. 

Father looked at all of us, "Are we ready to be presented to the Royal Court?" With each of us nodding my feather gestured to the servant on his left to announce us. I took a deep breath and took the back of the line. Being the youngest, I was always announced last. Little me got to be announced with father, but I have to be a proper princess now. I rubbed my thumbs back and forth anxious as they announced my father first. Then it was my turn.

"Announcing Aurora Orion, of The Orion Empire."

With a big smile, I took gracious steps trying to avoid looking at all the faces staring at me, and only looking at my older brother Asher, as I started to calm down and make my way towards my family. As the only daughter not married, to this dinner I have to wear something other than my kingdom's colors. My long flowy silver dress, hopefully makes a statement to people. Joining my fathers side, he addresses the court. 

"Welcome all kingdoms to this wonderful peaceful evening. Tonight we will be celebrating as I am going to sign the new contract with the Lunar Moon Empire. We have come on a pleasant contract with them to work in good business as they also rise up and are strengthening."Gesturing to the doors, the announcer takes stand.

"Please welcome the Queen Nyx of the Lunar Moon Empire and her two sons, Draven and Talon, to our Kingdom." Lots of people seem happy and cheering for joy as I watch as this queen and her two sons dressed in a dark blue almost like black, come towards Father and my family. I feel goosebumps as I think about how Father never told me this, when they clearly had just banished their son. She didn't know why but it must be for a good reason.

"Thank you for the invitation and for allowing us to join on this wonderful evening," the queen looks up as she eyes me with her cold eyes. I knew at that moment, I was even more scared of the reason for this party.

A few minutes later and some successful hiding, I sneak away from my siblings to go talk to Father.

Father was just headed to go talk to the servant, so interrupted, "Father, what exactly is the reason for this party tonight?" He looked at me with a sigh. He brought me with him to his meeting room outside of the dining room. As I sat down across from my father all I could feel was fire in my stomach.

"You're turning 18 in three days. I know you wanted to be lucky like your mother and I and fall in love with someone else royal. The Orion empire however still needs to uphold our tradition and after your 18 you can legally marry into another royal family. In a year your eldest brother Aeyrn will be old enough and I will give over the crown. Before I give over the crown, I request that my daughter be married." He looked at me with solemn eyes and squeezed my hand. I was so shocked at his words, I sat there staring at him.

He shook his head and got up to go look at a picture of mom, "I was going to wait until your birthday, but your mom has her journal and she requested before she died that you received it on your 18th birthday." Opening up a small chest he handed me a leather bound journal that had pressed flowers sticking out the bottom. With shaking hands I looked up at my father and held it close to me.

"Father, I will try to do my best to make you happy. I will try and look at suitors tonight." I knew that it wasn't my choice to make anymore. I turned around to head out the door, with curiosity about this journal.

"One more thing Aurora" I turned around as he looked at me with closed off emotions. I wasn't sure what to think when the next words came out of his mouth.

"The Lunar Moon Empire, they will be staying tonight and through the next few days until your birthday festival. They are staying as guests as me and the Queen go over the contract." He looked at me with eyes that showed I need to be a proper princess in this situation.

I nodded and held my tongue as I rushed out and leaned back against the doors. Taking a heavy breath I was not prepared to deal with the next few days, or even my birthday. Heading back to my room, I knew my father was not going to be happy. However, my mothers journal was more important. Getting back to my room I sat down at my writing table to open her journal.

"Dear Aurora, this journal is everything you need to know about this kingdom and many more secrets. Your father and I have hidden a lot about you. You are a secret well kept, however when you turn 18, that will all change. I hope that this journal brings you peace and that one day you become the daughter I truly inspire you to be.

Love Your Mother"

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