Chap. 13 - The Final Showdown

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The Knight and Hollow Knight couldn't help but watch as the imposing being laughed at their pathetic presence. They were nothing to him, mere black specks in a vast ocean of darkness. Something completely despicable and insignificant. They were made of his essence, and he was in complete control of their abilities, and physical weapons were completely useless. After all, the void was like another progenitor of the vessels. It was the void that made up most of his being, though not all of it.

But laughing at his pathetic attempts to save Hornet was no longer fun for the absolute lord of the void. Nothing particularly caught his attention more than destroying everything in his path, for with so much power, even his mere existence had become boring. Unlike beings of light like the Blaze or the Pale King, the god of gods had no interest in being worshipped, even when many had already done so in the pass. Instead, it enjoyed playing with the lives of its worshipers, filling their bodies with the viscous black substance until they were deformed to incredibly disproportionate sizes and emptiness burst from their dead eyes. He had done it before, and he still enjoyed that macabre feeling.

Empty: - Since you were created I have always had a certain curiosity about you. - The knight and Hollow Knight looked up in terror at the gloomy voice of the dark entity. - How much power from the void can their frail bodies withstand before breaking into a thousand pieces? Hmm. I think it's a good time to find out. Do not believe it? -

The void churned her body once more, and Hornet peered out from her bowels, a prisoner of the void itself, unable to move her legs or hands held in place by the slimy black mass.

Knight: - Hornet! - He screamed in rage when he saw his dying sister, while Hollow Knight felt a lump in his throat.

Empty: - Now that we are all together, we can begin. I'll leave the little one for last. Since she's the first to accept the void of her own free will into her body, I'm curious what will happen to her when she reaches the breaking point. Will he be able to become a deity... or an abomination? Will it burst into a thousand pieces? Are there many unknowns? -

Hornet: - N... No. - She produced a heartbreaking lament accompanied by a sob at the fear of what was coming.

Knight: - Damn! I won't let...! -

The knight's voice was drowned out as long tendrils of the void grabbed his body and began to strangle him while others restricted his movements. His brothers couldn't help but watch in terror at the death grip that was suffocating their brother's life.

Empty: - Let's start. -

The cold words cut the breath of all present, like the sound produced by the guillotine when decapitating a condemned man. Then two huge tendrils of darkness rose up and lashed out at the knight's face. Huge amounts of darkness entered their eye sockets, while their piercing screams of agony made the hearts of those present feel a deep stab. The knight's shadowy body began to warp, his emptiness form enlarging to insane proportions, to the point that screams appeared around his eye sockets. His voice seemed to be consumed more and more by the void, but the dark entity did not seem to stop its torture. It was only a matter of seconds before the knight was blown to pieces. Until:

?????: - Let go of my children! -

A voice was heard in the background, and a huge white stone spike pierced the body of the god of emptiness, causing him a piercing shriek at the pain he felt. The impact was so great that he could not maintain control over the knight's body, throwing him far against the floating rocks. Hornet was also released, falling unconscious at the Hollow Knight's feet.

Hollow Knight: - Hornet! Hornet! - I tried to wake her up, but she didn't respond. She was unconscious, but at least she was alive.

More importantly... What was all that about? The Hollow Knight looked up, only to see with confusion and joy who had come to his rescue.

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