Make him happy(28)

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Blues pov:

I waited for a while before my body started to tremble, the flashbacks have been unbearable, with little to no sleep.

Emerson should be here any minute...I couldn't bother the rest, they were all sleeping.

I reached up and started petting my ear, my nails against the sensitive skin, felt soothing.

"It's time for training Blue..."
I was dragged out of the tiny cage... and pulled to my master's feet. My limbs were able to stretch again, my joints popping as I did.
"Don't worry it's easy today..." he smiled petting my head. A small smile slipped on my lips.
'Easy?' I could make my master happy for once.

I pranced into the basement after him, so excited to finally please him. Make him happy.

"Your job, is to sit here, as still as possible every time you'll get a soft reminder..." he smiled patting his lap. I climbed up, trying to do my best to please him. As my ragged clothes were stripped from my small frame.

My body was almost shaking with excitement to finally do something right!

"Now on your knees...on the balls on your feet, and hands on your head," He told me, as I did as I was told.

"For three hours..." my face fell, my lip stuck out in a pout...t-three hours...

The worst part was the ticking sound of the clock against the wall, it seemed to slow down, as I watched him walk over with a small stick, as he held the handle. The tip of it was a gentle red ish, purple.

My arms started to ache too soon, my feet were cramping from holding my weight. My back arched slightly in an attempt to stretch.
"Ah ah." He snapped before a sudden shock was sent to my torso, making me yelp and fall to my butt, I was shocked again as the intense pain caused all my muscles to go tight as my body convulsed.

He shocked me over and over as tears swelled my eyes, before I finally got back into the position, was when he finally stopped. My breathing was heavy, as I body was now covered in red welts.

'Soft reminder?'

"Your chest is moving a lot..." he dragged his words out with a sadistic smirk, as I tried to hold my breath, and let out shaky breaths slowly, it made my head feel light as I practically suffocated myself.

My feet ached painfully, and my arms were sore as my lip quivered, I let out a breath, a breath that was too loud, causing a zap against my throat.

Thankfully I didn't fall, though I did yelp, which earned me a second zap.

Tears filled my eyes, as I tried not to cry.

"Blue stop!" A loud shout let me come back to reality. As I saw both twins sitting on my bed, as their room was closest to mine.

Lycus had grabbed my wrist, as River cupped my face I reached up as I felt a warm liquid slipping down my face, I glanced up to the hand Lycus was holding, it was covered in blood.

River's face held so much sadness I couldn't bare to look at him as he picked me up, and carried me into the bathroom.

As he took a cloth to my ears, which twitched as he grabbed ahold of one. I cringed feeling the stinging pain as he cleaned up the blood.

"What's going on in here?" Vance came into the room, as my eyes went wide.

Always kneel for your master.
A rule that had started to slip my mind.

I pushed away from River as I dropped to my knees on the ground.

"Blue? What is going on?" He said his voice going louder.

"I'm so sorry...I-I punished myself and only master should..." I shook my head, as I kept looking down.

"You what?" He said with confusion.

"M-my ears..." I whispered. "I-I clawed them..." Slowly drawing my gaze to him, as I whimpered.

"He was completely out of it, his nails were destroying them." Lycus spoke from behind me.

My body was lifted off the ground and on the counter, as River went back to cleaning, Vance stepped closer and started massaging the base. Which was soothing, it was comforting, till I saw him pull away with blood covering his hands.

"Why did you do this Blue?" He asked placing a hand on my thigh.

"W-well I woke up from w-well my old master and I went to get someone and Emerson said he was coming...b-but he didn't and then it happened...w-while I was awake...I don't like it daddy..." my body started to tremble as I told him, tears threatening to fall, he pulled me to his chest, and rubbed my back.

"Let's have you stay in my bed for the next few nights, okay?" He said pressing his lips to my forehead when we finally pulled away.

"Guys I can't find Emerson!" Eliot said as he stepped in.

"I'm sure he's around here..." Vance said turning from me, as I shook my head.

"He said he'd cuddle with me and he never did..." I whispered.

"Maybe he wanted to leave...he's not like us, there's no law ordering him to stay." River added as he finished the bandages around my ear.

Vance glanced to River, yet not saying anything, before turning back to Eliot.

"Why don't we give him some time, and see if he decides to come back on his own..." Vance smiled softly, before helping me off the counter, we made our way downstairs, the rest of the boys were still asleep.

This is a slightly shorter chapter, sorrrry, the last one was longer.

Okay is it just me or is this book making anyone else miss Andy, Felix, and Rayn. Because I know I do, I'm trying so hard to incorporate them into this one. For something to come up.

Sadly Andy's story is just too perfect, I couldn't make a second - I can't throw off their perfect world *Sobs*

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