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I was unpacking all my things in my new closet. I can't believe I'm moving in with him. I'm still pretty mad at him but I could push that to the side when business comes into play.

My bedroom was huge and so gorgeous. I'm pretty sure Jordan wasn't in charge of the decor for this house. I walked over flopping on my bed. The idea of having a mafia on my own excited me. No longer have to do everything my dad says is my happiness. He makes a lot of horrible decisions which can easily be avoided. I won't have those problems working with Jordan but Jordan can be a bit much. See I don't hate Jordan but sometimes he is a bit controlling. He can't control me of course but dealing with people like that can really get under your skin. Hopefully I don't kill him.

I got a notification on my phone. I picked it up seeing a text from Jordan telling me to come downstairs. I put my phone in my pocket and walked down the hallway. His house is fucking huge I made my way downstairs looking around. I saw him in the kitchen, I walked into the kitchen to also see lexi in there. Yeah. No. I turned around about to walk back upstairs. As I was off I felt a grab on my wrist. Jordan turned me around facing him. "You have to work with her, stop being childish" he hissed.

"Not wanting to work with an annoying bitch is being childish" I questioned.

"You still mad that I fucked her?"

He cannot be serious right now. "I was never mad that you fucked her I was mad that- ugh nevermind" I said snatching my wrist back. "alright then can you go and at least make things cordial with her" he questioned which I ignored. "You're really gonna do this right now, yesterday you said yes to working with her" he said as his jaw clenched.

I rolled my eyes walking into the kitchen. Ugh just seeing her face made me want to slap her. She smiled tilting her head. "Destiny, ugh I haven't seen you in forever" she put her hand out. I slapped her hand away from me.

"I don't like you and you know this but we can work together, stay out of my way and there won't be a problem kay" I smiled. Her smile dropped and she nodded her head. I turned over to Jordan rasing an eyebrow. He rolled his eyes and sighed. I left out the kitchen making my way back upstairs.

Jordan POV

She left out the kitchen going back upstairs. I looked over to Lexi.

"She's does know I hate her just as much as she does me right" she asked.

"Listen stay out of her way please, one wrong move and she'll kill you and your entire family" I shrugged leaving the kitchen.

Destiny POV

I was in bed watching TV. Jordan said there was a big day tomorrow so I needed to get some sleep. I got a text from him telling me to come to his room. Ugh what does he want now. I got out of bed walking to his bedroom. I looked around not seeing him.

I heard noise from his closet so I walked inside. He had nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair and body was wet, fuck I'm getting flashbacks. He looked up at me, he grabbed something off the table passing it to me. It was a small phone.

"Me you and and Lexi, keep it just in case of anything while we're on missions"

I nodded my head. My eyes shot down at the towel. It was definitely there, almost as if it was trying to escape. I bit my lip as I analyzed his body. Definitely looked better from the last time I had seen it. Fuck his print was just-

"If your gonna stare at it for so long at least make a move" he smirked. I snapped out of it scratching my head "I wasn't looking" I said rolling my eyes. He began to walk over to me.
"I know you, you always look destiny" he was literally towering over me. I looked down at his abs. He has such a godly shape. Nope he's trying to suck me in. I placed my hand on his chest pushing him away from me.

"Nice try, but your just gonna have to expect the fact that you just don't do it for me anymore" I smiled.

I was definitely lying. Some would said I almost crossed my legs in that moment, but he obviously doesn't need to know that.

He chuckled "I can do a lot for you if you just let me" he smirked. "You can't resist me for long, we both know what'll happen with this tension between up just explodes" he added.

I just want to wipe that little smirk off his face. He is just so cocky, just because the sex was good doesn't mean I'm desperate for you. Fuck, I need to humble him.

"Goodnight Jordan" I said leaving out his room.

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