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We all were sitting in the truck. We were parked a street down from the warehouse. I was getting my things ready to go in. Lexi sent in one of her drones checking the perimeter.

"Seems all of them are armed so you may not have a good chance" she looked up at me.

"How many are there?"


I smirked getting out of the car. I started to make my way down to the warehouse. I walked to the side seeing a broken window. Fucking idiots. I climbed through walking behind some random boxes. I peaked above the box to see them all gathered up talking. I started to listen in.

"Look Pedro said that we need to be more careful distributing the boxes, Luis thinks it's coke but it's actually cornstarch"

"Once he sends Pedro the meeting for it we come in, then we get Marcus next" they all nodded their heads. Yeah not on my watch. I got out from the boxes making my way over to them.

"You can't compete where you don't compare, trying to get rid of my uncle and dad must be the dumbest thing you all could think of" I said before shooting all the camares.

Show time.


We made it back to the hotel. This was another success for me. I lost count of my kills a long time ago but it's that plus 13. We got out the truck walking inside. We all got on the elevator going up the elevator walking down the hall. I walked into my hotel room. Before I could close the door it pushed back open. Jordan walked inside slamming it back. He grabbed my waist pinning me to the wall. He smashed his lips into mine kissing roughly. He grabbed my top ripping it off me. He picked me up as he began to kiss and suck on my chest. He walked me over to the bed laying me down.

He flipped me on my back ripping my shorts off. Oh my god is he ok? He turned be back around grabbing my neck. "you really think you can handle me" he questioned.

"I did before" I said smartly. The way he was looking down on me, fuck.

"You have a smart mouth you know that, now open it" he demanded. I licked my lips opening my mouth. He hovered over my my mouth as he gathered his saliva aiming it into my mouth. He then smashed his lips back into mine. His hands slid from my thigh down to my area. He began to rub against my clit. I whimpered into his mouth as he slid his tongue down my throat.

My hand slid down his chest making it's way to his print. I rubbed against it immediately feeling it harding up. He bit my lip pulling away. He then began to unbuckle his belt. I pulled him by his belt unbuckling it myself. He took off his shirt throwing it across the room. I slid his belt off and unbuttoned his pants. He unzipped it and pushed me on my back. He grabbed my legs lifting them. He pulled my panties off throwing them behind him.

He got on top kissing me. I placed my hands on his cheeks as we kissed. Something about his kisses were so passionate, so soothing. He sat back up from our kiss. He began to rub his tip against my clit fuck, of course he'd tease me. "Jordan" I whined rolling my eyes. "You want it" he questioned. I nodded my head.

"You know to use your words with me" he said slapping my thigh. "Yes I want it" I begged. He smirked as he rammed himself into me making me gasp. He lifted my legs as he started to thrust into me. "Oh fuck" I whimpered as he was ramming himself into me. "Fuck your so wet for me princess" he whispered. He grabbed a pillow placing it under my lower back. I bit my lip and rolled my eyes as he rammed himself into my g-spot. "Fuck fuck fuck" I moan as I felt myself reaching climax.

"You better not cum yet, you better not fucking cum" he grunted. My hands were squeezing the sheets as I was trying to keep myself together. "Baby I'm gonna-" I whimpered as I felt my adrenaline rush. "destiny I swear to God you better not fucking-"

"Ughhh" I moan as I released on him. He slowed down in his thrusts. He lightly slapped me across the face "I told you not to fucking cum" he slapped me again. "I'm sorry" I pled. "Sense you wanna cum early your gonna make me come, cmon" he sat down pulling me on his lap. "c'mon" he said sliding his dick into me. I began to ride against it. It was too big I could barely keep up with it. "Oh I know you can go faster then that, I said make me cum" he said aggressively before slapping my ass. I placed my hands on his chest as I start to bounce on it. "Yeahhh that's it princess" he relaxed his eyes as he leaned back on the head board. I started to speed up in my bounces. "Oh fuck" I moan as his dick was once again hitting my g-spot. He bit his lip and rolled his eyes "fuck your so fucking tight princess"

He sat up and started to suck on my breasts. He slapped my ass gripping it. I winced as he began bitting and sucking on my nipples. He leaned back on the head bored. He looked me up and down with those low and desperate eyes. "Fuck princess your doing so good" his eyes rolled in the back of his head. "you wanna come with me" he questioned. I nodded my head.


"Yeah" I replied. I started to bounce harder nearly taking all of him. My adrenaline began to rush up again. He began breathing heavy. He grabbed my waist. "Fuuuuckkk" he groaned as we both released onto each other. I continued to bounce hard and fast. "Fuck princess" he whimpered leaning his lead back. He held my waist slowing me down. He grbabed my neck pulling me close to his face. "You did so fucking good princess, that's my good girl" he kissed me. "I need to taste you so bad" he said before he flipped me over laying me on my back. He grabbed my thighs spreading them apart. He went down kissing and sucking my inner thighs. I bit my lip looking down at him.

He started to lick up and down my pussy. He slurped up our juices as he circle his tongue around my clit. He stuck his middle finger inside me as he sucked my clit. "You taste so fucking good princess fuck" he grabbed my thighs pulling me closer to him. "Augh" I moan as I slid my hand down tugging on his hair. His other hand slid up gripping my tit.

He stuck another finger in as he sucked and licked my clit. My thighs clamped together locking his head between them.

Jordan POV

She closed her legs locking me in between her thigh. I didn't complain this is exactly what I wanted. This entire year I've been feeling incomplete, but as soon as she with me my life brights up.

I felt her juices washing over my face and neck. "Fuck" I muffled as I licked every last bit of it. She opens her thighs releasing me. I sat up turning her around on her stomach. I slapped her ass making her immediately arch her back. I slid my hand up her curls pulling her hair. "Lets see if you can really handle me" I said before I rammed myself into her once more. "Oh fuck" she winced as she placed on hand on the head board..I started to thrust deeply into her, my speed increasing within each stroke. The way her walls clinged against me I just knew she missed this. Any guys she has had besides me can never make her feel the way I make her feel. We're destined to be.

"Fuck fuck fuck" she moan as she began to claw the head bored. I sapped her ass making her whimper. "Fuck baby, it hurts" she pled and whined. "Oh but I thought you could handle me" I furrowed my eyebrows. She cried as I began thrust deeper. "oh princess don't whine now, you wanted this" I grabbed her hair making her look up as me. Her desperate and needy eyes just made me want to cum in her right now. "Open your mouth" I demanded. She opened her mouth. I dropped my slimey saliva down her throat. "That's my good girl" i said as I caressed her cheek.

"You wanna cum now" I questioned

"Yes I wanna cum" she moans. Aww look at her learning to use her words. "Cum with me princess" I started to speed my stokes getting us bother on edge. Her moans raised louder and louder filling the room along with the claps of her ass.

"Fuck princess" I whimpered as we we both released. I pulled out watching as our juices leaked out out her. I licked it up flipping her on her back. She opens her mouth as the juices slide down my tongue into her mouth. I leaned down kissing her. She placed her hands on my cheeks, fuck I love when she does that. She pulled away looking deeply into my eyes. "I missed you so much"

"I missed you more" I said before kissing her again.

Fuck I needed her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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