The Sun, The Moon, The Truth

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A/N: I wanted to get a small warning out of the way for this one: I'm Asexual and personally have an aversion to most physical touch in general, so if any physical contact Thiam may have in this fic doesn't seem super realistic... Please don't come for me too hard about it. Thanks in advance!


Full moons always made Liam afraid. He was always aware of the shift, humming just below the surface–the shift that was clearly waiting, ready to strike the second one minor inconvenience broke Liam's fragile control. It had been months since the Anukite–since Liam's fear and anger made him lose control--but he still remembered how easy it was for him to snap. To lose control.

Ordinarily, Liam would lock himself in his room on full moons, headphones on high to block out any other sounds, and curl up with a history book. Ordinarily, he'd spend the entire 24 hours away from people as much as physically possible, so he wouldn't have to worry about hurting anyone.

This full moon was... different. He blamed Theo for that.

Liam was in his room, fully prepared to keep up with his monthly tradition, when a car horn honked from outside. When he looked out, it was Theo with a stupid grin on his face. "Come on a drive with me," Theo called up, when Liam opened his window to peek out.


Theo's grin widened. "Come on, Li. It'll be fun. Just you and me."

Liam couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips at the thought: just him, Theo, and Theo's truck. Still, "I don't think I can today."

Theo crossed his arms. "Why not?"

"Well... I... ya know," Liam floundered. He couldn't just say the truth–that the Full Moon would be out soon, and if he was with Theo in a new place, that something bad would happen.

"Come on, Li. Don't make me spend tonight alone. I bought extra blankets and pillows and everything."

Liam frowned. "For what? Where are we going?"

"Is that a yes? Are you coming?"

Liam sighed. "Theo–"

Theo rolled his eyes. "I can't just tell you. It's a surprise. Can't I just take my boyfriend on a nice drive without being interrogated?"

Liam smiled. "Boyfriend, huh?"

"Yes, boyfriend. We've been dating for weeks–"

"I know," Liam laughed, "I just wanted to hear you say it again."

Theo smiled. "I'll say it as many times as you want if it means you'll come."

"Hmm. Tempting."

Theo sighed. "You know, I didn't want to pull this card so early. But if you come, I'll buy us food. And roadtrip snacks."

Liam's eyes lit up. "And road trip snacks?"

Theo laughed. "Yes, you little food gremlin. And roadtrip snacks."

Liam bit his lip, considering. On one hand, he knew that if he went with Theo, there was a chance he'd lose his control and end up hurting him or his truck. He liked Theo. Maybe even... The point was, he didn't want to hurt him. On the other, Theo was a Chimera–and a resourceful one at that. He could heal, if Liam did lose control, and he was also good at fighting. If Liam tried to hurt him, Theo would be able to take care of himself. And then there was the food...

"Okay!" Liam called down eventually. "Just give me a minute to grab my jacket, and I'll be down."

Liam doubted it even took a full minute to grab a jacket, throw it on, sprint down stairs, and rush out the front door. He doubted it even took thirty seconds to get from his bedroom to the front lawn. When he got outside, he instantly threw his arms around Theo, pulling the Chimera in for a frenzied kiss.

Taken in Snapshots: A Thiam One-Shot CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now