Episode 3: He's so Sane, He's so Normal.

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This episode contains Austin x Henry.
Please skip this episode if it makes you feel
Monika walked in Henry's room with her eyes closed. "Can I open my eyes now?" She asked sarcastically. "You can always open your eyes?..." Henry was confused. "Sorry, just wanted to make sure you weren't pleasuring yourself." Monika said laughing a bit. "Monika, please have some decency..." Henry rolled his eyes. "Anyways who are you talking to?" She asked. "Austin..." Henry said hesitantly. "Who's that?" Monika asked. "Uuh...someone really close...promise not to freak out when I say this...but.." Henry continued. "He's my...boyfriend."

(*spits out tea* "EXUSE ME?" -Monika)

"R-really?..." She held back laughter. "Yes..." Monika then began wheezing. "You're like...kidding with me, right?" Monika continued laughing. "nuh-uh..." Henry was concerned and confused at the same time.

("I just sort of got used to the whole 'nuh-uh' thing...it's like a reflex." -Henry)

Monika suddenly stopped laughing and kept a shocked expression, which then turned into a fake smile. "greattttttt....I feel so- *gag* happy for youuuuuu..." She then slowly stepped back and ran away.

("Monika sure is...interesting.." -Henry)


Monika ran out of the room and stormed into her own. She then began screaming and grabbed a composition notebook, and a photo of Henry and smacked it on one of the pages. She began to write. "This guy is the nastiest skank bitch I've ever met. DO NOT TRUST HIM. He is a fugly slut!" She then buried her face in the ground and screamed. Henry went to Ame's room and knocked. "Come in." Ame shouted. "Hey...my boyfriend Austin is coming over..is that ok with you?..." He asked. "Of course!! I don't mind at all!!" Ame replied. "Thank you..." Henry responded and went to Ayano's room. "Hey Ayano...my boyfriend Austin is coming ov-" "nuh-uh." Ayano interrupted. "Hm?" Henry was confused. "Nope. You said Austin? As in Austin Sanders?" Ayano questioned. "Yes..." Henry responded.

("Austin? Nahh there's no way." -Ayano)

"Oh hell nah. I know that bitch. So when he comes over you're gonna wanna beat him the fuck u- wait you said boyfriend?" Ayano paused before she could continue her sentence. "Yes...I'm confused.." Henry seemed concerned. "Oh, then nevermind!!" Ayano's attitude changed. "Alright..." he then left the room. Ayano called Monika. "Hiii Monika...I hope you get along with Austin...do I get along with him?...of course I do!!"

("I'm a stupid fucking liar." -Ayano)

There was a knock at the door. "Hello?" A voice called out. "I'm coming!!" Henry shouted from his room. Then Monika's voice screamed. "FUCK." "Monika, are you alright?!" Henry called out. She then went to Henry's room. "Oh...nevermind." She said relieved.

("I thought he was touching himself again...silly me!!!" -Monika)

"Did you think I was...." Henry then covered his face out of embarrassment. "Just get the damn door for your little boyfriend or whatever." Monika sighed. Henry went to the door and tightly wrapped his arms around Austin as everyone saw. "Awww, look at them. They're so cute" Ame said jumping up and down. Ayano smiled. "Ugh..." Monika curled her lip. "Nasty bitches..." she whispered to herself.

("If there's one thing worse than being enemies with someone, then it's finding out they are in a relationship with someone." -Monika)

"I mean, the least you could've done was be with a more good looking guy." Monika crossed her arms. "Jeez Monika, calm down." Ame reassured her. "Whatever..." Monika walked away. A bit of time passed. "I'm thirsty." Monika thought. "I'm getting water." She walked out of her room and walked through hallways. As she turned a corner she saw Henry and Austin.

("They were kissing...I can tell they really liked it...eugh.." -Monika)

"Uh...hello?" She waved her arms to get their attention. "Are y'all gonna come up for air? No? Alright then." She walked passed them and got a glass of water and walked back to her room. She then saw Austin. "Hello there. Justin." "It's Austin." "Whatever your name is. Hello there." Monika put on a heavily forced smile. "Hey...you're Monika, right?" He asked. "Yes. That is me." She continued smiling. "Oh alright...so you're the bastard that Henry keeps shit talking about." Austin wondered. Monika's smile got even bigger. "Oh is he?" She tilted her head. "Are you alright?" Austin asked.

("Bitch do I look ok?" -Monika)

"Oh how funny, you're so sane, so normal." Monika put a hand on his shoulder. Austin laughed uncomfortably. Monika walked away slowly then ran.
*******************************************Monika was alone in her room. She didn't know what to do. "What if I just eavesdropped on those fuckers." Monika thought. She left her room and went to Henry's door. She began to listen as she heard barely anything. As she was about to leave, she heard something.

("I heard some shit..." -Monika)

"p-please~!!" Henry's voice yelped. "OH HELL NO." Monika shouted and ran away screaming. She saw Ayano and grabbed her by the shoulders. "I HEARD SOME SHIT. SERIOUS SHIT." Monika stared. "Woah. Calm down." Ayano held a hand up. "They were demolishing each other." Monika gulped. "THANK GOD!!" Ayano yelled. "No. I mean I heard kissing, beds creaking, making out...making love."

("A who what?" -Ayano.)

"I'm sorry what." Ayano's mood changed. "Yeah..." "GOD DAMN IT." Ayano went right back to her room.
"I love you..." Henry kissed Austin on the cheek. "Oh stop..." He chuckled and pushed Henry off. They walked to the front door together but when they got there, everyone stared at them both. "We need to talk."

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