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Dear L,

It's always a battle between you and your desires, when you yearn for a name but you are born for more than that: the namelessness. In a world that changes its trend every minute, feeling great in remaining small is not a treasure that comes to everyone. Everybody wishes to be heard. Everybody wants to be wanted. Everybody craves attention. Art is no longer just about creation, the more you sell the better artist you are. One doesn't feel worthy until one is selling good. Living big has become equivalent to living happy. But, how far do the materials really take you? How high is so high that you begin to long for the ground? From where does one realize that they too have become the ones who sell parts of them to earn money? When does money look trivial? When does success become the love you have, not the brand of your car? When does dreaming big become dreaming about ease and freedom? When do you reach the point when you realize that you don't have to emulate anyone to be cool, you were born that way?

Today, I am feeling at ease feeling small. I am feeling rich for the love. I am grateful for the faith. If I am successful, aren't you?

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