Capítulo Dos - Congratulations, Aldee

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Aldee's POV

*The Practice*

Today is our graduation practice and our teacher instructed us about what will be the flow of the program, when to walk down the aisle. First is we need to go inside of our classroom since it is our assembly area. "Fourth year - Gold, fall in line outside" our class adviser said "By the way, where is Aldee?" she added. I raised my hand "Present miss, I'm here" I answered. "Come here in front Aldee, you are the first in line" our class adviser said. "bye guys, I will go ahead" then I leave. As I reach the coliseum, we are advised to wait outside before entering. We waited for 30 minutes, while waiting Jahida approached me and asked me "Where are you going to study Aldee?" I looked at her in her eyes "I'll be going to Cebu City for college, yes I know that it will be hard at first and I don't know what lies ahead for me there" I replied "Good luck to you, Aldee. Remember to always pray to Allah for guidance" she said. "I will do, Jahida. Thank you for reminding me" I replied

The practice just started and the masters of the ceremony are now practicing their intro "Parents, Teachers, Guests and Students who are present today, good morning and welcome to 4th Commencement Exercises" they said. "Before we begin our program let us call first our candidates for their entrance to be followed by opening prayer and the singing of the national anthem" we begin to march down the aisle and follow the flow of the program.

Since today is Monday and Wednesday is our actual graduation day, I still have time to prepare myself. My mother is busy preparing her dress while I am doing my own preparations. I arranged my uniform, toga and my black shoes and also practiced my valedictory speech. It is already late at night, I yawn and feel sleepy but I need lots of practice before going to sleep. Later I am done practicing my valedictory speech, I am about to go to bed and sleep, I am very tired.

Tuesday, March 26

I woke up early in the morning and I greeted my mom first "buenas diaz mom, how's your sleep last night?" I asked her while my mom is cooking for breakfast "Buenas Diaz too Aldee, It's good" She replied "That's good mom" she hugged and invited me to go the town "Let's go to the pueblo Aldee, we still have lots of preparations to do for your graduation day tomorrow" she said "but mom, we are instructed by our principal to wear our school uniform tomorrow" I said to her. She continued finding something to wear and shopping for dinner. Mom also told me that by tomorrow our relatives will come over. When we came back home from Pueblo I was surprised because my relatives are from Dapitan City, Iloilo City and Ilocos Norte. "By tomorrow, your relatives will come over to witness your graduation day, and yes your cousins will come too" mom said as we were waiting for a jeepney. "Really mom, that's good! I'll be expecting them" I replied. Then there was a jeepney that stopped near us and the driver called us "Are you going to the pueblo ma'am?" he asked. Then we rode in the jeepney. There are a lot of people in the town today and we don't have any idea. It's not Hermosa Festival month nor Christmas season but many people now and traffic! I hate traffic here and it's very hot here. Good thing that we brought our own water so that we will not buy anymore in the mall. Then later on we already passed the traffic and already here at the town went to the department store, there are still lots of people falling in line at the cashier area "Cosa ya gayot! There are a lot of people here, Aldee" Mom said. I already figured it out. My mom bought a new dress for tomorrow and it took her forever to find it. I hate when mom shops for dresses. "Oh mom, come on! it took forever for you to find your dresses" I got mad "Here, I am done now Aldee. I need to be pretty on your graduation day" Mom replied. She got her shopping bag with her dress on it "Let's go home now" She added. We are already tired strolling in the town. We waited for our jeepney then we returned back home.

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