Chapter 32: Fish Tank

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🫧Fish Tank🐠


Many were exhausted because of the hours they've spent swimming and running on slippery scaffolds. Fortunately, I wasn't. I don't know if I should feel bad or feel relieved when Ms. Aelyza didn't include me in the team building.

But for sure I felt jealous because I wanted to experience such. But it's okay, I got to watch them risk their limbs just of a flag. However, the flag almost costed me my grades. We went back after the hours of exhaustion. The sun was setting when we arrived to the cabins. While others iced their aching body parts, I stretched out my sore legs for staying seated for the whole day.

I could never forget the time when we won. Ms. Aelyza was ready to jump in victory when she saw that they are getting close. Noah stood at that time, and right after they caught the flag, both of them hopped in triumph. I was watching them being all cheery, acting like kids winning. Ms. Aelyza even screeched, putting hands on everyone's ears. Maybe, it's her way of saying 'we won, take that!' She was probably cursing the other teams in her mind.

"Dinner is soon served, everyone! Just come in the cafeteria before seven or you'll lose all the good stuff," Ms. Aelyza shouted outside while I lay down the parts of me to bed.

Back to what's partly important, Noah acted so weird. He turned normal when he talked to me on the sands. But that's even weirder if you think of it. Weird not being weird is weirder. Now that I think about it, he said that I like Rijo—like like him. Am I too oblivious to myself or I just gaslit myself into thinking I only find him attractive and for what? He is attractive, his height, his arms, I mean face, his eyes, and his personality. I mean who wouldn't find him attractive? He's like a freaking universe who just appeared out of the vacuum and makes a world I'm in—crazy cringe. 

He's straight.

I've already read too much novels, watched too much dramas, heard too much superstitions, felt too much reality-kicking experiences, all queerly related. And all don't seem to end well. Only fiction ends well.

But what about what Sage told me, that Rijo's seeking my attention to get me to like him, or simply he likes me? No, what a load of feces. I hate Sage, I hate that he once told me about that and it isn't even true, like why would you even throw a tantrum and get a car and fetch me just because you feel like I found a new friend and get jealous. Who does that? Agh! It doesn't matter. I hate the world. I hate everyone, not the animals and the plants. I hate the universe, not the freaking universe.

The commotion outside went louder when Rijo opened the door. He looked at me the first time and asked, "Going to eat?"

I shouldn't be acting all sore and aching when the person inside literally run like an athlete and swam like a merman a while ago, so I stood up trying to feel ecstatic.

"Later, I just- I'll stay for a while."

"Okay...I'll be outside. See you in the cafeteria."

Before he got the chance to close the door, I spoke up, "Wait." The word on the tip of my tongue escaped. I wasn't sure why do I feel like stopping him from leaving nor what to say next, I just felt like I had too much to say. The door didn't close all the way. After a moment, he came back looking directly at me.

"Why? Need something?"

"Can you stay...? I mean...wait for me. Let's go there together."

He instantly beamed after I finished the words. But then I realized. Wait! No, I take it back, don't agree! or don't even pretend I said that. What else was the goal of 'not looking like I like him' for?

"Yeah, why not-"

"No, you can go!" I beamed. "I'll go later. I changed my mind."

He went silent, or did I silenced him? He put on a look of contemplation. "Okay...?" He tilted his head seamlessly while looking directly at me. "Okay... I'll stay."

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