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Leon POV:-

Leon POV:-

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(Leon's company and office)

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(Leon's company and office)

I was now sitting in my office while drinking my black coffee. 4 years, 4 fucking years i want one person "THE BLOOD LUSTER" the person is unable to track. We have just heard that he is the cruelest in the underworld.he takes the work u give him but he will only do it if he want even with a huge amount of money u give him.

I was just thinking about the person,when i heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" i said and turned my head to see the person.he bowed infront of me and i nodded.

It was my secratary holding a file which is of black means it is something for the mafia.

"Capo, we have a certain news that one of our members brother was killed last night and the strange thing his dog was there too. Both of them were injured at the same leg and also the dog was stabbed and the boy was shot with a bullet in his head an there was a sign. Here is the picture of the sign" i took the picture and I knew this sign...

 Here is the picture of the sign" i took the picture and I knew this sign

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It was none other than the "BLOOD LUSTER" . And i have noticed one thing in this sign that the sign have A in it does this person names start with A? What if he is planning something against me? How many people knows him? Does the dog has something related to the murder? All the questions were going in my mind.i was frustrated with this.

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