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Tomorrow and Forever



"Albus, what do you think of marriage?"


"Albus, what do you think of marriage?"

Albus looked up from the Prophet, raising his eyebrow in question. Now, where on Earth had that come from? Gellert had a tendency to do this, bringing up random topics for them to debate. Often he advocated for things he didn't believe in, just because he enjoyed how heated Albus could get. To his shame, Albus had fallen for this particular trick several times before he had figured out what exactly his friend had been doing. The aftermath of that particular revelation had been intense, to say the least. Nevertheless, this topic seemed to have come out of nowhere after they had spent a long evening in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company.

Albus put down the newspaper and focused his undivided attention on Gellert. "Marriage? Is this a proposal, Mister Grindelwald?" he asked, his eyes twinkling mischievously, determined to tease Gellert in turn (and perhaps even make him blush). Of course, Albus should have known better than to try and predict Gellert. To his shock, Gellert quickly crossed the room and kneeled before him, taking his hand to his own.

"Yes," Gellert whispered, the intensity of his gaze making heat rush to Albus’ cheeks, "Marry me, Albus."

Albus was speechless; if he didn't know him better, he would have thought that Gellert was speaking in jest. As it was, he didn't know how to react.

"Gellert..." Overcome with emotion, Albus withdrew his hand and rose. He walked to the window, leaving Gellert kneeling on the floor. His back turned to him, he continued, his voice still quiet, "You know we can't marry, Gellert. The Ministry would never allow it."

Albus heard Gellert moving behind him, and a moment later, hands landed on his shoulders and gently turned him around.

"Not officially no, but nothing is preventing us from performing a ceremony ourselves," said Gellert, just as passionately as he had when he proposed, but with a hint of uncertainty hiding beneath.

Albus sighed, "I don't know, Gellert."

He felt hands covering his cheeks, pulling him forward. Gellert pressed their foreheads together, pleading, "Please, Albus, you don't have to decide now. Just promise me that you will consider it."

Albus closed his eyes, thinking it over. The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea; a ceremony (although unsanctioned) binding him and Gellert together forever. The hidden romantic in him quivered at the thought. It was perhaps hasty and ludicrous, but Albus couldn't imagine ever regretting it if he said yes. Albus had known Gellert for only a few weeks, but he already knew that he would never find anyone else who understood him as well as Gellert did. No one else would accept every part of Albus. No one else would ever love him as Gellert did. If he said no on the other hand-

Decision made, Albus opened his eyes. "Yes."

Gellert backed off slightly so he could see the look on Albus' face, "You will consider it then?"

Albus shook his head, smiling. "No, I meant- Yes, Gellert, I will marry you."

Gellert smiled, his smile the broadest and most beautiful Albus had ever seen. He let out a bark off laughter and started covering Albus face in kisses.

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