Lost and found: ChanBin

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*Warning!! AlphaxOmega verse!! Baby Seungmin Felix! Top Changbin! Bottom Chan! Feat. MinSung! Smut! Heats! Boypussy! Un-detailed/mentioned RaPe!! Very little abuse! Childbirth!! Mpreg!!

Third pov:
Screams of pain echoes through out a little tunnel, where a young omega male, sat on his hands and knees.

If his time if is right, he just turned seventeen, and presented when he was sixteen, and his parents, the King and Queen of Bang kingdom, and the head alpha and Luna of the whole pack. Sold him to a breeding facility, not liking how their buff, fit son ended up to be an omega. So Chan ran away from home when he had the chance, before the strange men came to pick him up.
After a month of living in the woods, Chan had his first heat, which got a wondering alphas attention real quick. Chan doesn't remember much of what the alpha did to him, but it's not like he had much control, and he felt so weak, used, not just by a stranger, but his own parents. His own pack wasn't accepting of him being an omega either.

Chan was in pain when the alpha left, he just laid there on the floor of the forest, wishing to die. He knew very little of what his body could do now, his parents had him focus on training to become an alpha, so he has no idea what to expect now. Only female omegas were treated better, but male omegas, were like bad luck to the whole pack, a curse to the family.

As the months past, Chan was alone, living in the woods, teaching himself to hunt, and fend for himself. He never understood, nor noted and paid attention to throwing up randomly, his sudden weight gain, why his chest was tender and why his lower back hurt.

Until he came across a cave, using it to rest in and call it a night, leading back to the present. Chan is hunched over in a nest he made upon instinct. Naked like the day he was born, and in pure pain, he cried and rocked back and forth, breathing. But breathing felt pointless, and close to impossible, until he soon had the urge to push, and the burn he felt down there was the worst pain he's felt thus far. Combined with the strong cramping on his small, bloated stomach.

"Gaaahhhh!!" Chan screamed, he panted, his pelvis about a foot from the ground, barring down to another painful push, and then his body went lax, panting, jumping when he heard a cry, his eyes widened. He glanced between his legs, seeing a small, squirming baby, "O-Oh my god," He gasped out, he slowly, yet hesitantly picked up the pup. "You're so tiny," He softly spoke, sniffling, he didn't expect, nor planned, to fall pregnant so easily from his first heat. He doesn't even know the stranger, and he never wants to see the alpha again. But the outcome, Chan can't bring himself to blaming or hating this little being. Sure it's a reminder of his first heat, but it's the start of his new beginning, Chan caressed his finger against his baby's cheek, a small smile on his lips. "I'll love and protect you my pup. My little Seungmin," He softly whispered, smiling when his child made a cute little hum and cooed noise, smacking his little lips, Chan then didn't know what to feed his pup. He glanced around, beginning to slightly panic, he glanced down at his pup, but then noticed the white liquid dripping from his nipple, right by his sons little head. He then curiously directed his pups mouth to his nipple, smiling when his pup basically latched on. Chan face scrunched at the weird feeling, but sat back watched his son feed.

Four years, four years of figuring out, learning on how to raise his son. Having to hide in a cave, and figure out ways to take care of his son while going into heat, nothing was easy. But he made it work, and his little boy was so smart and the sweetest little puppy he's blessed to have.

But lord does his son have energy, "Seungmin! Baby stay in sight please!!" "Yes mommy!!" Chan smiled, as his son skipped around, playing in the puddles, but screamed in fear, running back to his mother. "Mommy!" Chan knelt down, scooping up and embracing his terrified son, looking around, while hushing his son, and rubbing his back. Seungmin stuck his nose into his mothers neck, whimpering when there was the sound of a branch breaking. Chans stomach dropped when two armed alphas stepped into view, Chan held his son close, gulping and stepping back. And to his luck, he got backed up into a rocky corner, the two alphas chuckled, "You're going to haft to come with us pretty thing." Chan shook his head, "I'm just passing by, I have no intention to hurt anyone." One of the alphas sighed, smirking, "Rules of the pack, anyone that trespasses our border, must see the head alpha." Chan furrowed his brows, "But I'm not attacking a-anyone," He spoke in a small tone. "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way omega? We won't hesitate to use force, in fact, it seems pretty convincing that you took someone's pup from our pack. An omegas pup went missing yesterday," One of the alphas spoke, Chans stomach dropped and his face paled, shaking his head, "He's mine, he is my baby," He stated a stern, yet shaky tone. The other alpha huffed in annoyance, stepping up to the omega, forcefully taking the pup out of the omegas embrace. The other alpha helped, and peeled the omegas arms off of the pup. "No!! Give me my baby!! Seungmin!! Please!! Give him back!!" Chan fought and cried out, his son cried, squirming in the alphas arms, and tried to get back to his mother. "Mommy!! Mommehehehe! Meanies!! Wet my mommy go!!" The young pup screamed, watching his mother fight, but was soon pinned to the ground.
"I'll take you home kid, your mom is worried sick about you," The clueless alpha spoke, carrying the squirming pup back to the pack.

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