the meaning of life

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"i think i'll survive" i joked as i walked next to my jedi master, windu. i had become his padawan many years ago and had grown very close with him. he was like a father figure in my life. i looked down at my pink cast. it was holding together a broken wrist. i had hurt it in training.

"you feel up to watching obi-wan?" windu asked. we had been playing on watching master obi-wan kanobi and his padawan anakin skywalker.

"yeah i think" we walked into the room they were training in and i sat against a wall. i watched as they brawled. they both flawlessly swung and blocked each others light sabers. their footing was beautiful and they always seemed to know what they were doing. i watched as finally obi-wan tripped and anakin put his light saber to his masters neck. after anakin turned his saber off he reached down and helped the older man up. i thanked both of them for letting me watch and walked back to my room. i crashed into bed and set my alarm for the next morning. then i quickly drifted off to sleep.

when i woke up the next morning, i sped through getting ready and made my way to the councils chambers. i was assigned to a mission protecting senator amidala. i was put on this mission with anakin.

-the next morning-

i woke up in a warm bed. a bed i had to share with anakin. i lifted my head off the pillow and saw he had already left the room. we had arrived on naboo late the night before. i changed into my jedi robes and walked out into the kitchen to see anakin and padmè talking. they stood very close to each other and were very flirty. normally this wouldn't bother me but i felt a pang of jealousy in my chest. maybe it was the fact that padmè hadn't been very nice to me, always making herself look better than me and putting me down. or maybe it was that anakin's hair looked extra long and his lips extra pink. i had never felt this way and i didn't like it so i decided to take a walk. i bid them goodbye and walked out the door. it was sunny as i walked along the lake. the water was shining and it pulled me in. i say on the rocky shore and just watched the water and wind and sun communicate and live with each other.

i guess i had been out there a while because i heard a voice behind me say, "you've been out in the sun for a long time, you ok?" anakin came to sit next to me and picked up a rock and ran his fingers over it.

"i'm fine, just thinking"

"about what?" he threw the rock as far as he could and it made a large splash in the blue water. i watched the water ripple before i answered.

"do you ever think about how everything in the galaxy works together. how everything needs each other. the sun and moons, the wind and water and trees. all the plants. the planets. everything, even people." he just listened as i spoke. "i think that we were put in this world for one thing. to love. that's the true meaning of life. our purpose that everyone questions, is to love. to love and be loved. in anyway possible, romantically or platonically. that's what i think is so messed up about the jedi code. why are they taking away something to crucial to life?" i threw a small rock into the big lake. i didn't understand what made me want to tell him so much but i knew it had to do with what i just said. love, even if it was platonic. he looked at me for a couple seconds.

"well their not fully taking away love" he said. "love is critical to a jedis life" i knew he was right but i couldn't seem to shake this feeling i had.

"right, but we aren't even allowed to love to our full potential. if i can't have attachments than how do i give out all my love? and don't give me that unconditional love shit."

his pretty blue eyes scoured my face. "well what does attachments have to do with love?" he expression was soft and i knew he wasn't mocking me, but truly asking.

i thought for a second be for answering. "i think that no matter how much or how little you love someone you have a small attachment to them. some people's attachments are unhealthy, like obsession. but other are sweet and healthy. like for example if i were to be in love with you, but i could live on my own. i'm still going to be a little attached to you. because i love you and i don't want to lose you. but that attachment is just what comes with love. it doesn't mean i'm going to go killing people because they looked at you the wrong way."

he looked at me, expressionless. he then gave me a small smile. "i guess i get what you're saying. no matter what you grow an attachment to people you love."

"exactly. like i love my mom and absolutely can't lose her. i'm not sure what i would do. that is a borderline unhealthy attachment. a platonic love attachment. but is it forbidden by the jedi code?" i wasn't sure why i was telling him all these things, but i couldn't stop now right?

"no it's not"

"it's not an unhealthy attachment to have a crush, like i believe you have on padmè" i pushed his arm a little and smiled even though i wasn't to thrilled about it. "but it's bad to do anything about it, or so the code says. but why can you like someone if you can't have them?"

"i don't have a crush on padmè." i searched his eyes for a hint of lie. i looked at his cheeks for a little red but found nothing. he really wasn't into padmè.

"but i feel it" and it was true i could sense his love and wanting for someone. he just looked at me as i tried to figure it out. without our knowledge padmè had walked up behind us and had heard about his lack of feelings for her. she couldn't say the same about him. since she had met him when he was young she had been into him.

"i feel yours too, i suppose your into her?" he laughed a little and so did i. that when everything came together and i clicked in my head. the jealousy, the oversharing, the feeling i had. i was feeling love for someone at that moment, and he was sitting right next to me.

"i think this is one of loves beautiful moments. i know what i feel and you know what you feel. and if i'm not wrong love is bringing us together. because love will always find a way. it's what we're here for right?" he smiled pushing a piece of hair behind my ear.


"if it's what we're here for why not express it?" i said softly and i leaned into kiss him. his lips were soft against mine and tasted like coffee and a small hint of mint toothpaste. padmè quietly walked away after seeing her longtime crush kiss the girl he truly wanted.

word count :1252 

i felt like a fucking poet writing this. i'm sorry i made padme out to like be a bad guy i love her sm but i js needed another girl for this story like "the other woman" but yeah. hope y'all like ittttt💋

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