3: an...encounter

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A/N This isn't to do with the story but...LOOK AT ERET BEING THE GOD BI GOD HE IS IN THE PICTURE ABOVE!!!!...sorry that was very necessary

also, idk why Lazarbeam is there...is he a part of the lore? is LazarBeam canon? idk if anyone reads this tell me pls.


Y/N pov:

Tommy and I chased each other around for a long time, I must say I never thought I would be here, right this minute right now. it's crazy how I'm running away from one of the many people I look up to.

just as I'm looking back to see if he's catching up (he's not), suddenly I crash into a random person.

"ah fuck, sorry I wasn't looking where I was going," I say hoping they won't get mad

somehow they weren't knocked over they stood as still as a statue, meanwhile, I was on the floor rubbing my head and apologizing.

"it's ok I'm still alive, are you ok?" they say, offering a helping hand.

I pull myself up.

"no Y/N you don't wanna go near him he'll trick you!" Tommy said running towards us.

at this point, I had only seen the stranger's legs and had no idea what their face looked like. I looked up at the stranger only to see a smiley face that looked like it was drawn by a kindergartner.

"oh, ok how is this guy a threat?" I say, knowing I can't say that I know who he is, because I know how dangerous he can be.

"that's fucking Dream! the most powerful player on the server" Tommy says finally catching up but is really puffed.

"honestly"..."Woman how"..."Dumb"..."can you be?!" Tommy says in between breaths.

a smirk appears on Dream's face but you can't see it because of his mask.

"he's lying to you, princess." he says, in a bit of a creepy voice.

"the fuck did you just call me?" I say, a bit taken back by Dream's comment

"you heard me, Princess." he said, a smirk growing on his face.

"the fuck is wrong with you? Tommy is this Dream guy ok? do we need to get him to a hospital?" I say, now just creeped out by Dream's behavior.

"no, he's not ok, he's trying to play mind games with you," Tommy says, in a bit of an annoyed voice.

"yeah, ok we're leaving," I say, walking towards Tommy.

"not so fast princess." Dream says, grabbing my shoulder.

"yes so fast. I don't want to spend another moment around you." I say, moving Dream's hand off my shoulder

"fine. but you'll be mine one day princess. I guarantee it" he said, with a devilish smirk on his face.

now extremely creeped out I start leaving moving just faster than walking. what is with Dream? he's so much more...less creepy on stream. is it my fault? did I upset "the balance" or something? or is he just like this outside of when he's streaming? Thoughts rush through my head trying to contemplate what just happened.

"hey Y/N!" Tommy calls after me

"Dream's a bitch, he plays mind games with people, that's his thing. he's just trying to get in your head." Tommy says, for once trying to give people advice

Tommy sighs "Here let me show you something," Tommy says, gesturing me to follow him.

I nod and follow.

we end up coming to a bench with a jukebox beside it. I instantly recognize the place, this is where Tommy and Tubbo listen to the disks. I was taken aback that Tommy trusts me enough to show me his "special place".

"Hey Big T!" Tommy yells ahead.

I was so distracted by the fact Tommy trusts me that I didn't even realize there was someone already sitting on the bench. I already know who it is though there was only one person Tommy called "Big T" and he was sitting right ahead.

"Hey, Tommy! And..." he says, referring to me.

"Y/N." I answer for him, I give him a warm smile while I'm at it.

"oh, Y/N my apologies, I'm Tubbo nice to meet you" he held his hand out for me to shake and gives me a sweet smile.

I gladly accept his handshake "Likewise" I say happily.

"so Tommy, why is she here at our spot? no offense" Tubbo says with pure curiosity.

"none taken" I reply.

"Well, we had an...encounter with Dream and she wasn't feeling the best so I wanted to bring her here to calm her down, I know we just got them back but it always makes me feel better." Tommy says rubbing the back of his neck.

I felt much better with Tommy admitting he was trying to make me feel better. and smile warmly at the gesture.

"That's a good Idea Tommy, we could listen to cat? if you want of course" Tubbo asks

"I don't mind you brought me here, you can make the decision," I say smiling warmly

"cat it is then!" Tommy says dramatically marching over to the bench and sitting next to Tubbo while I quietly follow from behind.

I decide to stand up and listen.

Tommy puts the disk in and it starts playing a lovely melody, it's not the best melody but it's very relaxing.

that doesn't last long though as a guy in a yellow sweater and black pants comes running up to us. though it scares me at first I realize who it is and what's about to happen, and I know I can stop it, but I don't want to. if I stop it...I stop the birth of a great country.

"Wilbur?" Tommy says to himself.

"TOMMY! TOMMY!" Wilbur says in a very excited tone

"Wilbur! What's up?" Tommy asks a tad confused.

Wilbur comes up to us and is right next to the bench. he puffed out, but we are all waiting patiently.

"Tommy, do you wanna sell drugs with me?" Wilbur asks in an even more excited tone than before.

Tommy's face lights up with joy. "I would want nothing more!"

A/N: (999 words) 

Well, there we go that's another chapter done. this one was really fun to write and I got to introduce a bunch more characters.

Stay safe and make sure to take care of yourselves!

bye [:

Luv u <3

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