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Pete's POV:

The three days passed by in blink of an eye. I didn't even realize when it was time to go back home. As we began to pack our luggage, I felt gloomy thinking that I will have to be apart from Ae now. Though it was just a matter of few hours before I will see him again but it still felt like it was ages.

"What happened?" Ae asked as he approached me while I was checking that I have placed everything in the bags. "This three days, they have been the best days of my life. It makes me sad to think that after this, we will be going back to our homes and I will have to wait till tomorrow to see you. How I wish to stay with you all the time so that I wouldn't have to be scared and worried." I replied.

"Love, stop thinking like that. I am there with you and there is no way that I am allowing anyone to take you away from me. Trust me and in our love. No matter what, I will not allow anything or anyone to come between us." He assured. I smiled looking at him. All these days, I felt safe and protected. I was able to live my life freely but moreover, I was able to be myself and do things that I loved without having to be scared.

"Trust me, I'll make everything right... it's just a matter of few days." Ae assured. I leaned into him, resting my head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat. It was calming me down and I felt safe. I knew that he will be there for me and I just have to be patient and follow the things that he has told so as not to get in trouble.

"Come, I'll drop you home." He said while pulling away and planting a soft kiss on my forehead. We walked out of the room and headed downstairs. The staff was carrying our luggage and placed it into the trunk of the car that stood at the entrance waiting for us. The guards at the entrance quickly opened the door for us and we got inside.

The driver started the engine and soon we were on the road that led to my house. All the way, my heart was beating frantically because I was really scared to go back home. And it was all because I was scared of my father.

The journey was too short and I arrived home. Ae planted a kiss on my forehead and assured me that everything was fine. I nodded and stepped out of the car while the driver pulled out the luggage for me.

I bid bye to Ae and then moved to walk into the premises. Just as I had stepped inside the gate, I noticed the familiar car parked outside. A shiver ran down my spine when I noticed that my father was already home. I put on a brave face and took deep breathe to calm down myself before dragging the luggage in.

As I approached the door, I felt that the house was eerily quiet which brought goose bumps over my body. I stepped in while pulling the luggage inside the house and then noticed that my father was seated on the couch. "So, you finally decided to come home." Por said in a taunting manner. "S-sawasdee khrab por..." I greeted while making a wai. "Oh!! So now you are pretending to be innocent? Where is that person who went out with friends to enjoy his life while having spoken lie to his father? Where were you all these days?" por demanded.

I felt the ground beneath my feet disappear when I heard those words. "P-Por... I-I didn't..." I tried to cover up. He smashed the newspaper he had been holding in his hand on the tea table making me flinch. "You still have the nerve to lie? I have witnesses and I have proof too... Your trip ended three days ago. Where have you been the rest of the time and particularly with whom?" he snarled.

I was shivering now seeing the anger boiling inside him. I can see the red in his eyes and my legs began to tremble. "Your friends here gave me all the detail account about what you have been doing. YOU FAGGOT!! You are more interested in being a whore than maintaining the family reputation!!" he yelled while stepping closer and then a slap was landed on my face. The impact was so strong that I crashed to the ground. "Por... I..." I tried to speak while holding my cheek as it was burning.

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